Author Archives: faniolatheophile

Live well sesson 2

I have changed my eating habits to more of a clean way of eating.Live well taught me to eat more greens.Before I was only eating fast food, since sticking with eating more greens I have lost 5 pounds, not only am I eating well but I am walking more, parking my car from a distance to walk to work.

Live well

Live well

I walk up and down these stairs every day at work. I try to have 10,000 a everyday. But sad to say I don’t make my goal everyday but I try to at least do hit the goal three days out of the week

Live well session 1

Session 1 was great! it taught me a lot about myself. Going through each questions I realized that I want to start to have a healthy lifestyle, my issue is I don’t know to start my healthy  lifestyle.I do believe with the tips from live well I will accomplish my goals, more importantly time management. I work full time and go to school full time I can finally make a schedule to workout and have the time to go food shopping . I’m excited can’t wait for the outcome of everything

Active Mind

After reading the article I realized their are lots of people that are mentally ill and has not spoken to anyone about their  issues . It is important we spread this message around the world about mental illness. Lots of people say this person is just crazy and needs to get over their issues, but it’s more than what we think it is. People that are mentally ill needs to be diagnosed right away and have the proper care. It  was sad to know that Brain took his own life, he could have gotten more help if only he spoke to family about his issues. Active minds needs to be shared world wide.