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Category: Gothic Coffeehouse (Page 2 of 4)

Goffic coffeehouse #2

in chapter 3, dr. jekyll has a small dinner party which according to the text he throws regularly. amongst the people invited mr.utterson is the last to leave. he decides to stay back and have a chat with dr.jekyll. mr. utterson reveals to dr.jekyll that he does not approve the terms in his will when he seen that dr.jekyll will leave Hyde his rights when he passes. I don’t ask that,’” pleaded Jekyll, laying his hand upon the other’s arm; “’I only ask for justice; I only ask you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here.’ when dr. jekyll says “him” he is referring to Hyde .

this is ironic because throughout the chapters so far Hyde is being described as this hideous evil man. its strange for dr.jekyll to leave his wealth with a man thats described the way he is In the book. dr. jekyll when asked about Hyde refers to him as “poor Hyde”. we can infer that he feels sorry for Hyde. maybe we don’t know the full story behind this “evil” man.

Fatma Coffee House Post 2

In chapter 3, Mr. Utterson goes to visit Dr. Jekyll. After their dinner the two talk at length and Mr. Utterson takes this time to share his dissent for Dr. Jekyll’s will while also attempting to question him and get more information on his relationship with Mr. Hyde. Although Dr. Jekyll does not give a lot of (or any) information on his relationship with Mr. Hyde he does tell Mr. Utterson, “’I only ask for justice; I only ask you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here.’” The “him” that Dr. Jekyll is referring to is Mr. Hyde. 

This is ironic because in the story previously told by Mr. Enfield, Mr. Hyde is the villain of the incident; Dr. Jekyll’s wording implies that Mr. Hyde is actually the victim in a situation (since he does not specify which), needs to be protected, and needs justice when Dr. Jekyll is no longer able to be around to protect him. This is also ironic because in later chapters we learn that he has committed another crime (he kills a man).

Yarlin’s Coffehouse Post 2

Late in chapter 3, in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the word him is in bold. When  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson are having a conversation about  Dr. Jekyll’s will, Dr. Jekyll says to Utterson: “’I don’t ask that,’” pleaded Jekyll, laying his hand upon the other’s arm; “’I only ask for justice; I only ask you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here.’” Dr. Jekyll refers the word “him” as he speaks to Mr. Utterson, in which the word “him” is Mr. Hyde.  Mr. Hyde is “him” because we already know from pasts chapters that Mr. Utterson reads Dr. Jekyll’s will and realizes that if he dies or disappears all his fortune will be given to Mr. Hyde, a very mysterious man who Mr. Utterson didn’t like very much. Due to his previous and probably future actions.

Moreover, the word  “him” in bold is ironic because Dr. Jekyll asked Mr. Utterson to be just to Mr. Hyde, to give him his rights. This  is very ironic because Mr. Utterson knows who Mr. Hyde is, he knows the things he has done, which makes it really hard for him to believe why Dr. Jekyll likes him and  he wants to leave his fortune to him. In a way I believe that Dr. Jekyll knows what Mr. Hyde is capable of and that’s why every time Mr. Utterson says things to question Mr. Hyde’s integrity the doctor defends him. For example, Mr. Utterson told Dr. Jekyll  “I have been learning something of young Hyde.” however, the Dr.Jekyll replied “I do not care to hear more,” said he. “This is a matter I thought we had agreed to drop.”  Every time Mr. Utterson tries to aks Dr. Jekyll a question either about Mr. Hyde or the situation that he’s going through, Dr. Jekyll acts in a weird/nervous way which makes Mr. Utterson and myself wonder what is really happening with Mr.Hyde and Dr. Jekyll, why are they so mysterious? Are they hiding something? And why is Dr.Jekyll nervous or is he just scared?

Joel’s Coffeehouse 2

Throughout these chapters, a great amount of curiosity and mystery is being dismantled. The person Dr. Jekyll is referring to as “Him” in bold in chapter 3 when Dr. Jekyll says to Mr. Utterson “’ I don’t ask that,’” pleaded Jekyll, laying his hand upon the other’s arm; “’ I only ask for justice; I only ask you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here.’” is actually Mr. Hyde. This is pretty much ironic because of the fact that even though Dr. Jekyll knows that Mr. Utterson dislikes Mr. Hyde for a while now. This is a fact and every time Mr. Utterson brings up a topic about Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll would just cut off the conversation and strangely try to defend him. This builds up curiosities of why is Dr. Jekyll became so close to Hyde. Dr. Jekyll has been trusting and still trust Mr. Utterson, and now that Mr. Utterson told him that he will help him get out of the current situation, Dr. Jekyll shows more trust into whatever Mr. Utterson will do. The irony here is the fact that Dr. Jerkyll still pretty much implore Mr. Utterson for justice for Hyde even though he knows all the wrong he did. Dr. Jekyll made sure he tells Mr. Utterson that he will not hear from Hyde for now which is oddly strange and it causes the reader to wonder what could’ve happened. Throughout this entire story, so far we have been reading, Dr. Jekyll is being quite mysterious and it does not look right, it does not seem right for Mr. Utterson at the same time knowing Dr. Jekyll for a while now. Another point to observe could be the fact that Dr. Jekyll demonstrates a body language of nervousness while explaining to Mr. Utterson that he is completely fine and every time something about Hyde is being brought up he is trying to stop the conversation somehow.

Salim’s Coffeehouse Post

 In chapter 3 the “Him” That Dr.Jekyll is referring too is actually Mr.Hyde.The reason I believe so is because when Mr.Utterson brings up Hyde and tries to talk and get information about Hyde from Jekyll Jekyll doesn’t want to talk about it and blatantly shuts down the conversation relating to Hyde but still show he trusts utters and tries to reassure him.That would be the reason he said him instead pos actually saying his name due to the fact of not wanting to talk about him.The reason that is so ironic is that both Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Utterson don’t show or talk about Hyde in a positive light and talked about him as someone to be careful and watch out for not someone they would want around.But then later when Dr.Jekyll talk to Utterson as if to take care of Mr.Hyde and cover for him which made the whole thing so ironic.

Another thing that maddest ironic was that when Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Utterson were talking about Hyde the name Hyde is very similar and sound the same as the word Hide which is exactly what it felt like Dr.Jekyll was doing to Mr.Utterson when the topic came up because Jekyll never answer Mr.Uttersons questions or even try to listen to Uttersons reasoning about Hyde and all that made it seemed like he was hiding some things he knew about Hyde from Utterson the whole conversation, even when Jekyll tried to reassure utterson that Hyde was not a threat to him and could deal with him . But still while Utterson tried his best to get Jelkyll to trust him and share what he knew about Hyde to him because it was important to the both of them to figure out Hyde because of how dangerous he could be but it didn’t help because in the end Jekyll still hid what he knew from him 

Jessica’s Coffeehouse Post #2

In chapter 3, Mr. Utterson joins Dr. Jekyll for dinner with a few other close friends. When dinner is done, they all leave except for Mr. Utterson. He finally gets to talk to Dr. Jekyll about Mr. Hyde however when Mr. Utterson tries to talk about him, Dr. Jekyll refuses to have the conversation and gets a little uncanny. At the end of the chapter, Dr. Jekyll tells Mr. Utterson: “’ I don’t ask that,’” pleaded Jekyll, laying his hand upon the other’s arm; “’ I only ask for justice; I only ask you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here.’”. When Dr. Jekyll refers to “him” he means for Mr. Utterson to help Mr. Hyde if he asks for the will. By doing what Mr. Hyde says it could help Jekyll. At the end of the conservation, Utterson promises to do so.  

The irony is an expression that used to say one thing but to mean the opposite or another. The irony that is token place is when Dr. Jekyll hides information from Mr. Utterson when he asks about Hyde but asks him to make sure Hyde inherits all his things if something happens to him. Dr. Jekyll is also hiding information that we the reader do not know about. The foreshadowing of Dr. Jekyll turns dark and pale when asking about Mr. Hyde, he hides Hyde information, having his will ready, and the fact that he is asking Mr. Utterson for a favor shows that he is close to losing control and potentially something bad could happen. From this information, you can tell that Dr. Jekyll trusts Mr. Utterson to consider he’s the only person that he asks to care of his will and that whatever Dr. Jekyll is going through, he is battle life or death.  

Victoria Isaac’s Coffee House Post 2

In Chapter 3 of “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, Jekyll, the doctor, and Mr. Utterson are all having a conversation. They seem to be talking about someone who isn’t in the room currently but they want to be rid of them. Late in the chapter Dr. Jekyll has a strange request. He writes the following: “I don’t ask for that[…] I only ask for justice; I only ask you to help him for my sake, for when I am no longer here.” Right off the bat, this sounds like his final wishes because he mentions when he is no longer here. This means that something might happen to him later in this story.

The “him” that Dr. Jekyll is referring to Mr. Hyde. I believe that the “him” is Mr. Hyde because they have been together for so long and Mr. Hyde hasn’t really liked him throughout this entire story. However, Mr. Hyde sounds like someone who shouldn’t exist. He sounds like something that shouldn’t be alive or around in this world yet he is still around. At the same time, even though it sounds like Dr. Jekyll doesn’t want Hyde around, it really sounds like he cares for him and wants to try and help him.

This sounds ironic because the name Hyde sounds like hide. That means he wants to be invisible and wants to keep himself hidden from the rest of the world. However, Dr. Jekyll wants to find him because he deeply cares about him. However, this will be difficult because according to this chapter, Dr. Jekyll is the only one who has actually seen him so far. Nobody else has seen him but Dr. Jekyll wants to try and find him since he cares about him. Overall, it makes this chapter confusing but more fun to read at the same time.

Mr. Hyde is “small and wicked-looking” according to the police officer but those were all the details we could get. There was not much details about him we could get from him.

Manuel’s Coffeehouse Post #2

In chapter 3, the conversation that occurs between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson has to do with Mr. Hyde, the “him” that was referred to in the story was not clearly shown but it was referring to Mr. Hyde. The reason as to why this is ironic is because Utterson doesn’t like Hyde and Dr.Jekyll would not like to have this conversation when it includes Hyde, But Jekyll wants to put his faith and trust in Utterson that he will get the justice that Hyde deserves. Jekyll also decides to make the effort of asking that Utterson will make sure that Hyde, a beneficiary of Jekyll, will receive whatever is entitled to him in Jekyll’s will. It’s interesting how Utterson makes it very apparent to Jekyll that he is not fond of Hyde and needs to share information with him about Hyde that is “abominable”, Jekyll reacts in a way that makes it very apparent at how much he does not want to make Hyde the topic of discussion, almost as if just the name of Hyde alone leaves a bad taste in Jekyll and Utterson’s mouths, but somehow Jekyll is concerned enough to make sure that Hyde is taken care of. Jekyll tries to make sure that Utterson will do this favor of getting Hyde his justice and whatever belongs to him written on Jekyll’s will but had an opposite reaction when the topic of Hyde came up into question, this is questionable considering the fact that Jekyll wanted to avoid having to bring up any new information that involved Hyde himself.

Mr. Hyde is the “him’’ in bold. Utterson starts to notice how unusual Jerkll’s behavior has become and in fact, it corresponds to what Lanyon told him about their fallout. Utterson questions Jekyll about his relationship with Hyde who he seems suspicious about. The ironic part is Jekyll not giving up details about Hyde but rather begging Utterson to help Hyde for his sake when he is not around. Jerkell trusted Utterson even though Utterson did not admire Mr. Hyde and was suspicious about him. Jekyll kept the details about his relationship with Hyde away which tells me they are very close, close enough for Jerkll to plead for and defend him. Mr. Utterson stayed behind after the dinner party Jerkyll threw to talk to him about his and his suspicions of Hyde. Jekyll asks Utterson as his lawyer and not his friend to carry out his will even though Mr. Uteerson has begun to notice some things about Mr. Hyde. But Jekyll insists its in his favor to provide for Mr. Hyde. If I was in Mr Utterson’s position I wouldn’t understand why Jerkyll would make such a request even if he is in a position that I can help him get out of.

Rachel-Gothic Coffeehouse Post #2

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson is talking about Mr. Hyde, that’s the “him” in bold, they were referring to. It’s ironic because Dr. Jekyll plead Utterson for his sake, leaving Utterson to sigh and willingly to promise him to bring justice for Mr. Hyde, even though Mr. Utterson , said it himself that he doesn’t like Mr. Hyde. And Mr. Utterson most definitely doesn’t even want to pretend to like Hyde; Dr. Jekyll said so himself that he has full trust in Utterson because Utterson did say to Jekyll that he’ll get him out of the situation he is dealing with, he wanted Utterson to help Hyde when needed, when Jekyll is going to be taken away and no longer be there. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde must be very close towards each other, or Jekyll wouldn’t have defended Hyde and plead Utterson for help. Dr. Jekyll knows that Mr. Hyde can be rude sometimes but he also knows something about Mr. Hyde, and Mr. Utterson, the lawyer seems discover something about Mr. Hyde, and wanted to talk to Jekyll about it, but Jekyll avoided the conversation. He started to talk about how he is in a strange position, which leads to Utterson telling Jekyll that he can be trusted and that he can help Jekyll get out of whatever position is in. That explains why Dr. Jekyll asked Mr. Utterson to do him a favor regarding about do rights and also helping Mr. Hyde.

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