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Author: Isaac F

Isaac Frimpong

Gothic Literature 

Prof. Scanlan


                                 Eleanor And The Haunted Hill House          

     Are Paranormal and Supernatural events uncanny or are they constructed by our mind because of inner emotions of discomfort and fear towards a Gothic space? The answer can go both ways depending on who the question is related to. Others fear supernatural events and the unknown while others thirst for supernatural events and paranormal activities thriving on the thrills it gives whether they seek an adventure or a name as a result of their findings and investigation just like Dr. Montague in Shirley Jackson’s novel “The Haunting of Hill House”. The novel is fully packed with many gothic characteristics that unravel the supernatural events which take place at the Hill House. In the novel, the characters are observed to have a typical connection with each other that contributes to their fate at the end of their journey in the hill house, Eleanor and the Hill House are doubles in the novel because of the connection they shared during Eleanor’s stay at the Hill House. They opposed each other while they also share mutual comparison in their characteristics and actions. This why I picked this double because the connection they share in the novel cooperates with Eleanor’s fate and the status of the house.

          Eleanor always wanted to escape from the reality of hatred she had for her sister and her deceased mother, she disliked her relatives and had no friends. She was a loner, isolated, and unhappy individual. Shirley Jackson writes in “The Haunting of Hill House” “The only person in the world she genuinely hated, now that her mother was dead, was her sister. She disliked her brother-in-law and her five-year-old niece, and she had no friends.”(Jackson Chapter 1, P.2) She viewed the Hill House as a fresh beginning and a solution to finally turn her life around and experience the desire towards engaging adulthood. Taking the car her sister and she argued about was just the beginning of Eleanor’s happiness, she felt she was free and a new person. The environment of Hill House was pretty gothic according to the description from Eleanor as she made her away from the gates in her. Hill House contained a few Gothic Architecture in Eleanor’s description of the strange environment, she states “  they put towers and turrets and buttresses and wooden lace on them, even sometimes Gothic spires and gargoyles; nothing was ever left undecorated. Perhaps Hill House has a tower or a secret chamber, or even a passageway going off into the hills and probably used by smugglers” ( Jackson, Chapter 1 P.5). The Hill House’s construction was Gothic with the addition of the Gargoyle which is included in the Gothic Architecture

            The doubles, Eleanor and The Hill House opposed each other in many ways. The Hill House made her distressed and uneasy despite her low temper which was part of her lonely nature. She got the strange feeling of what the was like before she got there and it wasn’t a good feeling. To the readers, the Hill house feels alive because of the human attributes and characteristics Shirley Jackson gives the house she writes “ No human eye can isolate the unhappy coincidence of line and place which suggests evil in the face of a house, and yet somehow a maniac juxtaposition, a badly turned angle, some chance meeting of roof and sky, turned Hill House into a place of despair, more frightening because the face of Hill House seemed awake, with a watchfulness from the blank windows and a touch of glee in the eyebrow of a cornice” (Jackson Chapter 2, P.1). Eleanor’s interaction with the house is what proved that they opposed each other rather are attracted to each other. She starts to get second thoughts about coming to the Hill house as she starts to get cold and uncomfortable. She was afraid, and there was a voice continually telling her “Get away from here, get away” (Jackson, Chapter 2 P.2). We wouldn’t know if Eleanor was a threat to the Hill house that’s why she was experiencing supernatural events and the paranormal phenomenon that the research team experiences at the Hill house including the mysterious writing on the wall discovered by Luke in Chapter 5 addressing Eleanor for her help and to come home. Though the interaction between Eleanor and the Hill house wasn’t always amicable, the freedom Eleanor got from moving into the Hill house was pleasing and comforting to her Shirley Jackson writes “It was a surprise to find that she had slept until after eight, and she thought that it was ironic that the first good night’s sleep she had had in years had come to her in Hill House”(Jackson, Chapter 4 P1). She was able to finally be herself and relax while evolving into the perfect adult she always thought of with the people around her.

                 Ultimately, I chose Eleanor and the Hill House as doubles in the novel because of the connection they shared during Eleanor’s stay at the Hill House. I paired them together because of how they oppose each other and interact with each other. The Hill is given human attributes and Eleanor in some way relates to some of those attributes and at the same time opposes some of them because they are a threat to her life.


-Jackson, Shirley. The Haunting of Hill House. New York: Penguin Books, 2006.

Sacred Heart Church at Night
Statue of Mary by Sacred Heart at Night
Catholic Church during the day

The first picture is of my Catholic Church in the neighborhood at night which obviously looks different from what it looks like during day time from what I posted in the Gothic Architecture posts, I couldn’t go in because the doors were permanently closed to the public so I captured photos of what was available for me. Sacred Heart Catholic Church is the name of this Church and I find it Gothic because of the construction of the building and how the atmosphere in the night contributes to why a place of worship seems to be scary when walking rather than being more welcoming and open. The walls are made of grey color stone which is one of the important features in Gothic Architecture. It has pointed arches and columns that emphasize verticality. It has pointed ceilings. The windows are stained glass windows which might be hard to see at night but in the last photo which I took while driving to work you can see the stained glass windows. It’s not the same Church but I thought it will make sense comparing what both churches look like in the day compared to what it looks like at the night. The second picture is a statue of Mary, the mother of Jesus right next to the Church and this is my first time noticing it actually lights up, I guess it was a new upgrade, the environment at night gives you a vibe of just walking by as fast as you can when you are next to the church or the statue because of the unsettling feelings you get from being in that setting. That statue and the fact that it is night time contributes towards Freud’s definition of uncanny whereby you get this frightening feeling of fear and you start getting anxious when you are around this Church at night which is ironic because why should you get that sense of fear around the house of God. The picture shows more horror than terror at night because you get that intense feeling of fear around that setting I know I did why taking these pictures which took me a good 30 seconds and I ran away because I was by myself. The statue also has some Gothic Architecture characteristics, it was built of grey color stone. And the covering around Mary was near close to being pointed. In the last two pictures which are pictures of a random Catholic Church I took why driving, you can see a lot of Gothic Architecture characteristics that it’s made of. The ornate detail, pointed arches, and tracery windows contribute to making this building Gothic, it was built of grey color stone and the windows were stained glass windows. You can also see the tall arched ceiling behind the cross on top. Unlike the first picture, this church seems more welcoming.

The second picture is of a church in my neighborhood named Sacred Heart. I find this building Gothic because of its constructions, it has pointed arches and columns that emphasize verticality and the gray stone color it’s built of. It also has arched ceilings and stained glass windows in the lancet shape. The first picture is a bridge in my neighborhood that connects Washington Heights to HighBridge. It is gothic because of its grey color stone.

This clip is from the show Stranger Things on Netflix. I chose this clip because that scene still gives me chills after watching the whole show a few times over even though I finished the whole season. This clip demonstrates Gothic Terror as we observe Will running for his life while terrified of the creature(Mind Flayer) coming after him. As we see Will running out of fear, the setting, and the background of the building Will was running through contributes to making this scene Gothic, it’s dark, quiet, gloomy and there were shadow-like roots growing on the wall throughout the hallway as the shadow monster chase after Will which builds up terror in the scene. In the end, we hear Will plead “Go away” and still get possessed by the shadow monster. (Innocence Betrayed)

Isaac Frimpong

ENG 3407

Prof. Scanlan


                              THE TWISTED MIND OF MADMEN

      The violent actions of individuals shouldn’t be excused just because they were under the influence of a substance or possessed by someone. These characteristics are displayed by these 2 characters “Mr. Hyde” from “ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and the Narrator from “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe. Despite their differences in morality and the motive behind their cruel actions, both characters share some similarities when it comes to the spirit of perverseness, and this helps the reader to be able to judge and understand their actions and reasons to why they are so violent and commit extreme cruel acts towards others.

      The violent actions of individuals shouldn’t be excused just because they were under the influence of a substance or possessed by someone. “ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” took place in Victorian London but to be even more specific the setting was a strange door that was discovered by Mr. Einstein and Mr. Utterson. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde talks about Dr. Jekyll who is an intelligent scientist, interferes with the dark side of science creating Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll occasionally transforms into Mr. Hyde who does these evil deeds which Dr. Jekyll is totally against. As time goes on Dr. Jekyll gradually loses control over himself to Mr. Hyde and Mr. Hyde continues doing the forbidden towards others. Dr. Jekyll couldn’t live with the guilt of Mr. Hyde’s actions so he ended up taking his own life putting an end to Mr. Hyde and hoping to redeem himself. “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe has a complex setting. The story was written from the narrator’s cell moments before his execution then backtracks to his initial house which later burned down. His house was filled with animals in fact he was portrayed as an animal who loved and treated all pets with care and respect. The narrator who violently mistreats his wife and his black cat Pluto when he gets drunk becomes a threat to everyone in his house. Pluto starts to distance himself from him due to how the narrator tortures him after he drowns himself in alcohol. One day the narrator ends up cutting one of Pluto’s eyes out and hangs it killing Pluto. The narrator later discovers a new cat who was missing an eye too and kept it. His guilt got the best of him when he couldn’t stand the sight of the cat because it reminded him of Pluto and accidentally killing his wife with an axe trying to harm the cat. The body of his wife was discovered when the police vi.

       The violent actions of individuals shouldn’t be excused just because they were under the influence of a substance or possessed by someone. Both characters  Mr. Hyde from “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ” and the narrator from “ Black Cat” share a similar Spirit of Perverseness. Mr. Hyde kills a respected old man Sir Danvers Carew mercilessly beating him up with a walking stick. The attack was explained in the letter Dr. Jekyll left for Mr. Utterson. In the story “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde”by Robert Louis Stevenson Dr. Jekyll states,”And next moment, with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot, and hailing down a storm of blows, under which the bones were audibly shattered and the body jumped upon the roadway”( Page 37 ). Mr. Hyde shows no remorse for this murder or even shows a slight feeling of guilt, Mrr Hyde allows Dr.Jekyll to do these bad things and Mr. Hyde doesn’t feel guilty but Dr.Jekyll does. Hyde allows him to escape from the guilt because deep down Dr.Jekyll wanted to do these bad things but should we allow Dr. Jekyll to escape with these murders just because he is someone else? Absolutely not. The spirit of perverseness in “The Black Cat” was the narrator harming and torturing Pluto and finally killing him for no reason. The narrator showed no remorse for torturing Pluto every day after he gets drunk until he finally kills it. According to the narrator in “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe,”This spirit of perverseness, I say, came to my final overthrow. It was this unfathomable longing of the soul to vex itself—to offer violence to its own nature—to do wrong for the wrong’s sake only—that urged me to continue and finally to consummate the injury I had inflicted upon the unoffending brute.” (Page 39) The narrator clearly didn’t feel any guilt because he drowned himself in alcohol to forget the cruel things he has done then gets back and does worse. Mr. Hyde and the narrator show no remorse and lack empathy which eventually comes back to haunt them. In the “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and “ The Black Cat” their style of narration or changes in the focal does not alter the reader or understanding because their cruel actions committed by these two characters shouldn’t be excused or forgiven whether they were under the influence of a substance or possessed. They should be held responsible for their actions

        In “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe, the central gothic irony was centered around Death. The narrator kills Pluto, his favorite pet, and then accidentally kills his lovely wife and now he is about to get executed. The wife of the narrator’s innocence is betrayed by the narrator through the oppression of females by violently mistreating her continuously.“I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others. I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. At length, I even offered her personal violence.” (Page 4 Paragraph 4)   The narrator’s growing instability starts to make readers anxious about the length he will go to harm his wife and the rest of the animals around him just to feed his dying thirst for violence. The narrator desires normalcy because after murdering Pluto, the narrator later found another cat with the same physical features as  Pluto’s, he thought he could redeem himself with this newfound cat. He saw this opportunity as a second chance to right his wrongs. The scene where the narrator found the new cat falls under Todorovv’s Uncanny term. The cat the narrator found was strange-looking because it mysteriously had a missing eye just like Pluto and looked like Pluto in every physical way except the color of its fur which not all black like Pluto it had white patches.

     The central gothic irony in “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ” is finding out that Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll are the same people in one body. Unlike the narrator from “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe, Mr. Hyde didn’t need alcohol or anything else to motivate him to violently attack and murder others, it was embedded in him. Mr. Hyde was the evil twin of Dr. Jekyll running around doing bad activities that deep down Dr. Jekyll intended to know the feeling of what it felt to be bad and violent to the society. Dr. Jekylls innocence was betrayed by Mr. Hyde because Mr. Hyde began to take full control of Dr. Jekyll’s body and started to brutally murder people which Dr. Jekyll didn’t approve of. Mr. Hyde was out of control and his thirst for violence painted a bad picture of Dr. Jekyll and made him suspicious toward his peers. Mr. Hyde fights against normalcy and explores the path of violent actions and wrongdoings towards innocent victims. Mr. Hyde has no place in his heart for remorse better yet even thinks of what his actions are doing to Dr. Jekyll personally. The experiment that was done by Dr. Jekyll resulting in the creation of Mr. Hyde, his evil side will be considered Todorov’s definition of Marvelous, that experiment is not possible on earth and the scene was so much more of a fantasy than reality. Mr. Hyde’s actions were very selfish but he was Dr. Jekyll’s mistake so everything he did was Dr. Jekyll’s fault, Dr. Jekyll had blood on his hands because of Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll wanted to redeem himself, he wanted to put an end to his feelings of guilt, and the only for him to that was to commit suicide killing himself and Mr. Hyde.“ God knows; I am careless; this is my true hour of death, and what is to follow concerns other than myself. Here then, as I lay down the pen and proceed to seal up my confession, I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end.” (Page 141 ), doing this Mr. Hyde reign of violence came to an end.

            Finally, The violent actions of individuals shouldn’t be excused just because they were under the influence of a substance or possessed by someone. Mr. Hyde from “ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and the narrator from “The Black Cat” both engaged in the spirit of perverseness. Mr. Hyde killed Sir Danvers Carew for no reason and the narrator tortured and murdered Pluto for no reason. They both lack remorse and lack empathy and it comes back to haunt them.


      The violent actions of individuals shouldn’t be excused just because they were under the influence of a substance or possessed by someone. These characteristics are displayed by these 2 characters “Mr. Hyde” from “ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and the Narrator from “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe. Despite their differences in morality and the motive behind their cruel actions, both characters share some similarities when it comes to the spirit of perverseness, and this helps the reader to able to judge and understand their actions and reasons to why they are so violent and commit extreme cruel acts towards others.

      The violent actions of individuals shouldn’t be excused just because they were under the influence of a substance or possessed by someone. “ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” took place in Victorian London but to be even more specific the setting was a strange door that was discovered by Mr. Einstein and Mr. Utterson. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde talks about Dr. Jekyll who is an intelligent scientist, interferes with the dark side of science creating Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll occasionally transforms into Mr. Hyde who does these evil deeds which Dr. Jekyll is totally against. As time goes on Dr. Jekyll gradually loses control over himself to Mr. Hyde and Mr. Hyde continues doing the forbidden towards others. Dr. Jekyll couldn’t live with the guilt of Mr. Hyde’s actions so he ended up taking his own life putting an end to Mr. Hyde and hoping to redeem himself. “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe has a complex setting. The story was written from the narrator’s cell moments before his execution then backtracks to his initial house which later burned down. His house was filled with animals in fact he was portrayed as an animal who loved and treated all pets with care and respect. The narrator who violently mistreats his wife and his black cat Pluto when he gets drunk became a threat to everyone in his house. Pluto starts to distance himself from him due to how the narrator tortures him after he drowns himself in alcohol. One day the narrator ends up cutting one of Pluto’s eyes out and hangs it killing Pluto. The narrator later discovers a new cat who had was missing an eye too and kept it. His guilt got the best of him when he couldn’t stand the sight of the cat because it reminded him of Pluto and accidentally killing his wife with an axe trying to harm the cat. The body of his wife was discovered when the police vi.

       The violent actions of individuals shouldn’t be excused just because they were under the influence of a substance or possessed by someone. Both characters  Mr. Hyde from “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and the narrator from “ Black Cat” share similar Spirit of Perverseness. Mr. Hyde kills a respected old man Sir Danvers Carew mercilessly beating him up with a walking stick. The attack was explained in the letter Dr. Jekyll left for Mr. Utterson. ”And next moment, with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot, and hailing down a storm of blows, under which the bones were audibly shattered and the body jumped upon the roadway”( Page 37 Para.1). Mr. Hyde shows no remorse for this murder or even shows a slight feeling of guilt, Mrr Hyde allows Dr.Jerkyl to do these bad things and Mr. Hyde doesn’t feel guilty but Dr.Jekyll does. Hyde allows him to escape from the guilt because deep down Dr.Jerkyl wanted to do these bad things but should we allow Dr. Jekyll to escape with these murders just because he is someone else? Absolutely not. The spirit of perverseness in “The Black Cat” was the narrator harming and torturing Pluto and finally killing him for no reason. The narrator showed no remorse for torturing pluto every day after he gets drunk until he finally kills it. “This spirit of perverseness, I say, came to my final overthrow. It was this unfathomable longing of the soul to vex itself—to offer violence to its own nature—to do wrong for the wrong’s sake only—that urged me to continue and finally to consummate the injury I had inflicted upon the unoffending brute.” (Page 39) The narrator clearly didn’t feel any guilt because he drowned himself in alcohol to forget the cruel things he has done then gets back and do worse. Mr. Hyde and the narrator show no remorse and lack empathy which eventually comes back to haunt them. In the “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and “ The Black Cat” their style of narration or changes in the focal does not alter the reader or understanding because their cruel actions committed by these two characters shouldn’t be excused or forgiven whether they were under the influence of a substance or possessed. They should be held responsible for their actions

  Redemption is an act of atoning for a fault or mistake or making up for the errors that were done by a person in the past. Dr. Jekyll most definitely redeemed himself. His redemption was about him putting an end to the sinful acts of Mr. Hyde when Mr. Hyde takes over his body. Dr. Jekyll did this by writing a letter to Mr. Utterson not only confessing but also explaining to him about his experiment which has gone totally wrong. The experiment brought about his evil side (Mr. Hyde) which was not the result he was looking for. As time went on Mr. Hyde started to take full control over him till the point where he thought he was losing power and authority over himself. Mr. Hyde went on to kill, and harm others which were not what Dr. Jekyll will do or even think about. Dr. Jekyll couldn’t live with himself knowing he poses a threat to everyone so he decides to end his life knowing its the only way to put an end to Mr. Hyde’s thirst for blood and devious acts. He explains the reason why he ended his life at the end of his narrative in the letter to Mr. Utterson by saying “Here then, as I lay down the pen and proceed to seal up my confession, I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end.”  The killings that were done by Mr. Hyde showed he had no remorse and feel no guilt towards them. Even though the sinful acts and murders were done by Dr. Jekyll’s evil side he still has blood on his and he is definitely guilty and should be held accountable for every treacherous deed done by Mr. Hyde. After all its was his own experiment and he should have known that it wasn’t a good experiment to approach when his good friend Dr. Lanyon went against him on it till the point where they ended their friendship.

Mr. Hyde is the “him’’ in bold. Utterson starts to notice how unusual Jerkll’s behavior has become and in fact, it corresponds to what Lanyon told him about their fallout. Utterson questions Jekyll about his relationship with Hyde who he seems suspicious about. The ironic part is Jekyll not giving up details about Hyde but rather begging Utterson to help Hyde for his sake when he is not around. Jerkell trusted Utterson even though Utterson did not admire Mr. Hyde and was suspicious about him. Jekyll kept the details about his relationship with Hyde away which tells me they are very close, close enough for Jerkll to plead for and defend him. Mr. Utterson stayed behind after the dinner party Jerkyll threw to talk to him about his and his suspicions of Hyde. Jekyll asks Utterson as his lawyer and not his friend to carry out his will even though Mr. Uteerson has begun to notice some things about Mr. Hyde. But Jekyll insists its in his favor to provide for Mr. Hyde. If I was in Mr Utterson’s position I wouldn’t understand why Jerkyll would make such a request even if he is in a position that I can help him get out of.

I wouldn’t really say I did anything fun thing this summer because of Covid -19 messing up all my plans in the beginning. But I made the most of it with the time and space I had left. I hung around with my friends, either we were playing ball or making new unforgettable memories together. I was also working so was outside a lot. Other days I will just drive around the city going on my little adventure exploring parts of New York that I’ve never been before.

If I had to pick one of the stories we have read so far, it’s going to be “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe. Being that I have read that story many times and I still get surprised by the plot twist in it. The narrator was a mad man who told the story in the perspective of a normal person and an innocent soul. The story was very Gothic, including the symbols, the narrator’s actions and his anger that he couldn’t control. There was a lot of lessons that I learned in that story. And the story and actions of cruelty by the narrator was very detailed. First we get the sight of this calm man who loves his animals and wife and treat them with respect and then it takes a turn where we get introduced to the narrator’s dark side where he kills his cat because he started to get drunk every night  and his behavior around the house made everyone and everything start to distance themselves from him. His guilt was what caused him to do the unthinkable and he just wakes up and drinks again because he can’t bare the thought of what he did. His devious actions brought about his downfall when he ended killing his wife accidentally trying to hurt his new found and the Cops showing up at his door. I enjoyed the story and I hope to read more detailed Gothic stories like this this semester.