Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site


Aryans were Indo-Iranian speaking people who named themselves. They lived in what is now modern day Iran and had many significant accomplishments throughout history. The Aryans invaded and successfully conquered Northern India, they also had many inventions like the steel plow which allowed them to improve their farming. Aside from Improving their farming, when the Aryans invaded Northern India they presented a language called SanSkirt. The Aryans also used a Caste system in their society. It’s believed that this Caste system was mostly based off of skin color and wealth. Previously before invading Northern India, The Aryans would raise cattle but after moving and settling down in Northern India, a majority of cattle raisers became Farmers. Which lead to the Aryans transforming the Ganges River Valley into good farmland. Overall the Aryans were creators of a language that helps historians and archeologists depict stories and songs that the Aryans had passed down for generations. The Aryans inventions are also still present modern day due to their significance. The steel plow has been incorporated into modern day technology which should tell you how important it was throughout all the years. 

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for the definition.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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