Unfortunately with this Coronavrius spreading so quickly and killing thousands of people within a short amount of time is scary. This is the very first pandemic I’ve ever experienced that escalated to racism faster than I could ever imagine. Don’t get me wrong that the world was always full of racist people to begin with, but I think because of this virus it showed me the stupidity of ignorant people. A few days ago on one of my social media platforms, someone commented under my picture “your people are disgusting” and I felt aggravated that people had the audacity to spread racist comments rather than to educate themselves. Also seeing videos of people attacking Asian people violently makes me feel sick to my stomach. I can’t and don’t even want to feel what those people have been through because they’re probably traumatized and won’t leave their house even when this is over. I feel that as a whole community we are all responsible in the way we react to things and help build one another. I hope everyone is aware that anyone can get it, so play it safe and stay indoor as much as you can. I currently am doing okay in life mentally and physically as the fear and anxiety has been reduced. However, the challenges I am facing in “doing school” is confusing and hard for certain classes because the online process doesn’t really work for me. Without physically going to school, I feel unproductive and unmotivated to do work because I wake up later than 6am now. A lot has changed over this past week to adjust how each and every professor likes to do their online sessions. I am able to use some spare time to do activities and learn how to relax because I couldn’t do it when most of my time was occupied with school and work. I like to use this time to be able to focus on myself and better my mentality from this crisis.