Weekly Folder for April 13-17
1—Zoom Details for Monday’s Class at 9am
2— Peer Review for Explication (Due Sunday, April 19 by 10pm)–See revised process above–top post.
3— Virtual Coffeehouse (Due Sunday, April 19 by 10pm)
4— Read the short story “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin (Due Sunday, April 19 by 10pm)
[Note: We will begin the class with a general discussion of how things are going.]
1—Zoom Details for Monday’s Class at 9am
Sean Scanlan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Apr 13, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 4899 4137
Password: 027858
Instead of doing the peer review in groups, I’ve decided to open things up and let each student decide who to review. The way this will work is that students should select the draft they want to review, but students cannot review a draft that already has two reviews. So, if students see a draft that has two reviews, then please select a different one to review. This is a “first come, first served” approach. This process should work, even if there is an odd number of drafts.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The peer reviews must be done by Wednesday at 5pm so that students have time to consider the reviews, rewrite as needed, and proofread by Sunday at 10pm.
1—By Monday morning (April 13) each student should have posted their drafts to the Explication Draft menu tab (the deadline was today)
2—Each student must review two other drafts. If a draft already has two reviews, then select another one. So, in the end, each student will write two reviews and receive two reviews. Make sure to spend time when writing comments—Please proofread your work and always approach a peer review in the spirit of kindly offering help. See my example for language that is encouraging.
3—Post your peer review as a Comment: See my example above.
4—By Wednesday night, each student should be able to start revising their draft with the two reviews in mind.
5—Post the Final Draft of the explication to the new menu tab: Final Draft Exp.
Due Sunday, April 19. By 10pm.
3— Virtual Coffeehouse prompt: Write two paragraphs in which you reflect on a new thing that you have enjoyed in the past two weeks; it could be a new activity you have started, or a new game you now play, or new music, or new movies/shows, or new social media events, or Zoom parties, or new food you tried to make. Post to the Virtual Coffeehouse menu tab. Due Sunday, April 19.
4— Read the short story “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin in our textbook, page 336. It is also in PDF form in our Readings menu tab. In your notebook, write down a list of the main characters. Due Sunday, April 19.
**If you think you are missing work, please contact me via email so we can work together to solve any issues.
Best wishes,
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