Brendan Gonzalez

Essay 2-3 Page Draft

Jaswinders jobs main focus is to inspect and assess peoples stories and documents on a professional level making sure both sides are legit without any bumps in the road. Jaswinder is great at what she does as a professional her work ethic is amazing. The most important thing to notice throughout Tony Parsons short story,  Jaswinder didn’t let anything get by her any passenger that had something relatively odd she notice and pulled to the side like the women with forged documents or the man who was smuggling drugs through the airport. The main part of the story that really shows Jaswinders eye and feel for something wrong with somebody when it comes to work is. Page( 46) when the man in black came up to her at the table and her inner alarm went off quickly telling her something was wrong with the passport , she put him to the side when she went to confirm with another worker she was correct but another problem came up again with the same man in the black T-shirt he ended up being a drug smuggler as well

Jaswinder goes against the typical stereotype of a female or the feminist ethic , “traditional ethics views as trivial”. Jazz is great at what she does and doesn’t let anything get in her way or head for being in a male dominate job according to “” enforcement jobs; today, women represent just 15 percent”, throughout the story Jaswinder shows why she belongs at the job even though its a male dominated line of work but Jaswinder shows exactly why she should be there, on page 54 she was put to the test and put in a situation,” He was a foot taller and twice her weight, don’t make me take you down. He laughed at that but when he tried to push past her she slipped one leg behind him and shoved his chest hard with the palms of her hand. He fell backwards and went down fast and heavy”, Jazz was underestimated because she’s a women going up against a man who thought he could over power her because he was bigger than she was but she didn’t let that intimidate her Jazz displayed bravery. 

Ethics chapter 12, section 3 problems with feminist ethics “Problems With This Theory” ( Section 3. Problem five states “The theory ultimately disempowers women.  While women act based on caring non-females can act based on rights and duties or utility or some other basic principle and avoid dealing with women because theirs is not an ethic of rights or duties and thus they need not be afforded such.” Jaswinder doesn’t base anything on caring but stays to the code of honor to the job protecting the people and the UK to the best she possibly can, even though Jazz showed the Megan sympathy and care towards the end on page 60 giving her advice about a man, “Listen, Jazz said listen to me Megan it keeps it does if it’s real it doesn’t just fade away overnight.” Jazz showed feelings some would say because she’s a female others will say she was just being nice but regardless Jazz stood by what was right and her duties as an officer and Megan got sent back from where she came from. This could be a cause of why only 15 percent of enforcement officers are female because they think that females go by feelings and care and not duty. 


  1. SIYU WU

    Does the student state the story title and author in the first paragraph? Yes/No


    What characters does the student examine?

    What scene(s) does the student examine?
    Jaswinder shows why she belongs at the job even though its a male dominated line of work but Jaswinder shows exactly why she should be there, on page 54

    What type of ethics does the writer examine?

    Feminist ethics

    What is the writer’s thesis and method? (It is okay to paste it in)
    Thesis:Jaswinder goes against the typical stereotype of a female or the feminist ethic , “traditional ethics views as trivial

    method:did not mention

    How many peer reviewed articles/chapters does the writer use?

    Does the writer quote from the peer reviewed articles/chapters? Be specific.

    Yes,Ethics chapter 12, section 3 problems with feminist ethics “Problems With This Theory” ( Section 3. Problem five states “The theory ultimately disempowers women. While women act based on caring non-females can act based on rights and duties or utility or some other basic principle and avoid dealing with women because theirs is not an ethic of rights or duties and thus they need not be afforded such.”

    Are the peer reviewed articles/chapters part of the writer’s thesis?

    Cut and paste two of the most confusing sentences and explain why they are confusing.
    “ throughout the story Jaswinder shows why she belongs at the job even though its”
    who is she?

    “Jazz is great at what she does and doesn’t let anything get in her way or head for being in a male dominate job according to “” enforcement jobs;”
    It is there an punctuation problem or my misunderstand.

  2. Marchella Prado

    1. Does the student state the story title and author in the first paragraph? Yes/No
    – No, it wasn’t mentioned correctly. Instead he wrote “ The most important thing to notice throughout Tony Parsons short story…”

    2. What characters does the student examine?
    – He examines Jaswinder.

    3. What scene(s) does the student examine?
    – The scenes he decided to examine where “he was a foot taller..” and “ listen to me Megan ..”

    4. What type of ethics does the writer examine?

    – The ethics he decided to examine were feminist ethics.
    5. What is the writer’s thesis and method? (It is okay to paste it in)

    – I’m assuming his thesis was “ Jaswinder goes against the typical stereotype of a female or the feminist ethic , “traditional ethics views as trivial.”
    6. How many peer reviewed articles/chapters does the writer use?
    – He uses two, and Problems With This Theory.

    7. Does the writer quote from the peer reviewed articles/chapters? Be specific.
    – Yes he does. For example, “The theory ultimately disempowers women. While women act based on caring non-females can act based on rights and duties or utility or some other basic principle and avoid dealing with women because theirs is not an ethic of rights or duties and thus they need not be afforded such.”

    8. Are the peer reviewed articles/chapters part of the writer’s thesis?

    – No, it was not.
    9. Cut and paste two of the most confusing sentences and explain why they are confusing.

    – “Jaswinder goes against the typical stereotype of a female or the feminist ethic , “traditional ethics views as trivial.” This sentence was confusing, I’m guessing this was your thesis? If so, you should’ve been more thorough especially with your method. Be specific on what you’re examining.

    – “ This could be a cause of why only 15 percent of enforcement officers are female because they think that females go by feelings and care and not duty. ” This was confusing because I’m not sure if this was the end of your writing. It is only a draft so maybe you weren’t finish but try elaborating more on what you’re trying to inform the reader.

    Hope all works well for you, best of luck on your final paper.

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