Hi Class,



1–Zoom Details

2–Weekly Folder


1–First, here is the info for Monday’s Zoom Class:

Sean Scanlan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sean Scanlan’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 6, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 805 390 526
Password: 045596


2–We have a short week, so I am asking you to write up the first draft of the poetry explication:

Due Monday, April 13: 400 word draft of poetry explication. This must be POSTED to the Explication Drafts menu tab on our website. This draft should include a brief introduction that includes the poem’s title, author, and the two lines you are explicating. Also, you should include a thesis that attends to the poetry terms you will use and a method. The more you include in this draft, the easier it will be to revise and finish it.

