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Coffehouse #5

When you are a student in college with other responsibilities; whether it is a job or family related. Your time is valuable and can be difficult to manage at times. In the article, “7 Time Management Tips for Online Students” by Kelsey Miller, she mentions how one of the best skills to have as students is time management and gives her advice on how to manage it. In this reading Miller emphasizes a useful idea to help keeping students organized, focused, and more importantly avoiding burn out. As students some of us tend to feel overwhelmed when trying to study for long time periods and get distracted from the school work. Kelsey Miller offers a solution called the Pomodoro Method to help students that struggle with this. This method helps the student concentrate for 25 minutes straight and then a 5 minute break, after 4 full sessions of this the student is rewarded with a 15 minute break. This is a method I will incorporate into my studies and in hopes of it benefiting my academics. Miller informs students to plan ahead for assignments so we will have a lay out and make time to attack each assignment accordingly. This can go hand and hand with the Pomodoro Method in making completing assignments easier and less stressful while managing our time in the best way. Miller did a superb job on advising college students on managing our time in the best way possible. Time is essential and when it is gone there will be no getting it back. Time management is the most important skill a student can learn and will payoff in the long run as students.

Time Management

Time management is very essential to everyone. How your time is managed can make or break you schedule. Finishing your tasks early helps when you’re running low on extra time. If the task is finished on time, then the extra time can used for anything. If the task is finished late then, you risk consequences. During the Covid-19 pandemic, students are all taking online classes, this makes students less focus on what they should be doing, whether it’s homework for class or studying for a test. Often phones, computers and other electronic devices are causing students to be distracted. This often caused students grades to drop drastically. The main point of time managements is time awareness and self-control, by meaning, identifying and eliminating the stuff that disrupts your intellectual home.

Personally I have poor time management skills. This often results from my short attention span and wandering thoughts. Even though I struggle with time  management, I make sure to get the most done with what time I do have. Time management skills are good to have. Managing time and work efficiently can make it easier for a person to accomplish plans.

Coffeehouse #5

In the article “7 Time Management Tips for Online Students” by Kelsey Miller the author makes it clear on how to take on big assignments or even the simplest tasks. One thing I liked while reading this article was the format she used to create these seven steps. A student with a big assignment or a small assignment can use these several tips to help attack the assignment in an easier way. The format the author used can also be applied on a day to day basis not only with school but also with work. Planning and timing is very important as it helps us to stay organized.

Doing things last minute is something I’ve always done whether its homework or tasks to do at home. One thing I realized that I was doing wrong was tip number which is not to multi task. I multi-task a lot which is a habit I picked up on from my mother. When I would take my time and do my work on time I’d notice ending up with a good grade but that was because I was able to take time with my work. It is good we plan ahead time to do our work so we have a layout of how each assignment can be done appropriately to the best of our ability.

Time Management

Kelsey Miller in her article she writes how important is to manage time specially when your student and need to know how to manage time,time doesn’t care who you are. If you don’t use it, you can’t get it back. Therefore, the best way to manage your time is to be organized and focused on what needs to happen. Time management has nothing to do with time itself, rather, it’s about the things that need to happen. To manage your time properly, focus on what matters most.Time Management is the control and focus of a person’s actions for the purpose of improving efficiency. Time management techniques typically involve setting goals, establishing priorities, budgeting the amount of time allotted to a given activity, and planning and scheduling the steps needed to achieve goals. Generally, time management refers to the development of processes and tools that increase efficiency and productivity. When we think of time management, we tend to think of personal.


Coffee House #5

In the article “7 Time Management Tips for Online Students” by Kelsey Miller, the author lays out fundamentals or counters for how each person could improve their time management. She gives the readers seven steps on what they should start doing daily whether it’s to plan ahead of time, reward yourself, or even focusing on what’s on hand. I like how when she explains the plan ahead of time she gives the reader a schedule of day by day on how she’d attack a big assignment that would be due in a week. Another step that caught my eye was the not multi-task which I tend to do a lot. Not putting too much on your plate once isn’t a good thing for many people because it can sometimes feel overwhelming when trying to attack all tasks at once which, can ultimately stop someone from doing any work, to begin with. Focusing on one assignment or task at a time could improve the quality of the work drastically.

Throughout my whole life, I have been the last-minute man meaning I would do anything that needs to be done whether it’s an application or even an assignment an hour or even minutes before the due date which was a bad habit because I would sometimes miss out on opportunities due to not hand things in on time. I noticed how much my bad habit of time management had affected my work and I noticed my grades were being affected because my best quality of work is when I sit down and thinking about what to write before just writing down anything. I had made improvements to attack my bad habit by pounding in my head, the mindset that “I should get this over with now, so I don’t have to worry about it in the future”. I noticed that I would listen to music on stuff that I don’t have to read and would be able to get it down faster. Lastly doing work in my intellectual home which for me is a quiet environment is game-changing for me.

coffee house #5

“7 time management tips for online students” by Kelsey Miller on April 28, 2020, is an article written about 7 steps you can take to better manage your time. Miller speaks on the importance of time management and how this is a key skill that all students need. Miller explains 7 steps that you should follow one plan ahead, two do not multitask, three set up a virtual office, four block out distractions, five reward yourself, six create a balance, and seven get a good night’s sleep. All these steps according to miller will create a healthy balance and manage your time well to succeed. Miller closes by saying you need to take charge of your education.

“It’s called languishing” is an article written by Adam Grant on April 19, 2021, about this feeling of lack of exciment about life that causes laziness, this feeling is called languishing. Grant explains what this feeling is and how it may be a big issue because many would not even know that they are languishing, grant also explains how the first step to finding a cure to this is to simply name the feeling and understand that you are languishing instead of being in denial.

coffeehouse #5

Nathaniel Bailey

The basic information that I have gathered from reading this article that I believe is most important is that training yourself is key. One of the best ways to do this is by rewarding yourself after completing a task without distractions. Once you train yourself to stay focused on only one task at a time you’ll have less time to be distracted and this will result in completing assignments much faster. A way to not be distracted is how they started in the text “setting up virtual office”. This basically means setting up an area where you can study and stay focused for the required time needed. This information has been brought to us before and is well known as an “Intellectual home”. After this intellectual home is set up it is important that you plan out your day or week ahead of time and stick to that schedule. I was also advised to avoid multitasking because it is said multitasking plays a big part in shortening attention spans. Last but not least the part of the article that I enjoyed the most is about sleep, it is very important to get good rest in order to keep your mind and body ready and refreshed for the next day. 


After reading this article I realized I have a lot of this I need to improve when it comes to time management. For starters, I have to practice focusing on one thing at a time instead of multitasking and moving onto the next thing when I get bored. I also have to practice rewarding myself AFTER I complete a task because I have a habit of doing so before finishing a task and this results in unfinished work that I rush to finish up later on in the day. And one of the main things that I have to work on is getting rid of distractions while I’m working because based on personal experience even when I’m doing a fun activity the smallest thing has the potential to stop me from what I’m doing.

Coffeehouse 5

Time management is important to have so one can achieve their goals or complete work. It improves balance within one’s life and is a key to maintain a work life and a social life. Kelsey Miller’s article provides an easier way for students learning remotely who struggle with time management; with a list of useful tools for students to use to better their time management skills. The pandemic brought many students online to continue their studies, with more flexibility and scheduled meetings to make it simpler for everyone. Miller emphasizes the importance of time management by using productivity as an example “Effective time management not only helps with your learning but can also make you more productive at work and in your personal life. If you’re serious about successfully completing your online degree, it’s crucial to find a good system to use.” With the insertion of current events directly meant for students, Miller stresses the importance of time management and its necessity towards getting a degree. 

I have a really bad sleeping schedule due to work and personal reasons. My time management skills are not the best because I tend to procrastinate and it really does not benefit me. To start changing my routine I would start writing my goals or things I have to do down, waking up earlier on days i’m off, plan my day out, and allowing myself to rest. 

Coffee House #5

Time Management

Learning online has become so beneficial to us because it’s much easier and convenient. Managing your time is very important when it comes to online learning. You could fall off track easily, managing your time for your work is very important. Managing your time is very important because while being a student you have 100 more things to do in your day, you want to make sure you have enough time for it all. Some helpful tips could be planning ahead; having a planner could be one useful tip. This helps you remember when your next assignment is due. Also it could help you keep track of your virtual or in person zoom meetings. One thing to avoid is multitasking that can easily distract you and stress you out even more. In between you can take breaks so your mind could rest for a little bit. Rewarding yourself is key. I feel like it could help you and motivate you. Learning from home is fun and all but managing your time making sure you do everything on time is key.

Managing my time for me has been kind of hard lately, I feel like I take advantage of learning from home. Just knowing that I have many days to hand in an assignment I take more time. One way I could manage my time better is by planning out my assignment, having a schedule and making sure I stick to my schedule. Finishing all my work at a certain time in the day so I don’t procrastinate at night. This will help me get my work done on time and have me less stressed. Another way is to break down my work, finish the assignments that are due the next day rather than focusing on the assignments that are due the following week. Also something that could help me sitting at my desk rather than my bed, laying down and doing my work makes me lazy and not want to finish my work. 

Time Management

Most students in our days they want to learn online. Students like to learn online because of the benefits online like flexibility, broader perspectives, and improved collaboration. It is hard for students to balance out their day especially if they are new to online classes. In order to have an easier time to balance everything out is to use time management. Time management is that you manage your time to reach your goals in a easier way. People get confused on time management because they think that it is about how much time you have but it is about how you manage it. In the article it shows you six steps that students could use tips for time management. The way that I want to improve my time management is that I want to have a set time to do my work for my classes at night and also have time to take a break from a long day. Another way is to not be distracted by my phone or anything else when I am working on my school work. In order to improve my time management I want to make sure that I know when all my assignments are due so I could put them on a calendar so I could see what days that I want to do them.

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