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Coffee House #3


According to “Wikipedia”, research is the creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the wealth of knowledge”. Also It involves the collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue.What I  have learned from Wikipedia is that Research may be done in different forms. There are some forms of research: Original, Scientific,Research in the Humanities,Artistic, Historical Research and Documentary Research. Moreover, I have learned that there are some methods of conducting research. The first is Exploratory Research, which helps to identify and define a problem or question.Second is Constructive research it tests theories and proposes solutions to a problem or question. The last method is Empirical research which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence. 

The Traditional Research

Alexandra Locket is an assistant professor of English at Spelman College. Her areas of applied skills include technical and professional writing, teaching with technology, and writing program administration. According to the article of  Alexandra Lockett “ THE TRADITIONAL RESEARCH PAPER IS BEST”, the Internet makes the process of research and of writing research much more complicated.In 21st-century politics of research is defined by the problem of scope. As there is simply too much information. For instance, if we Research “the research paper” via Google, Google News, and Google Scholar retrieves almost 19,000,000 results. Also, a lot of students make “plagiarism” and they use sources such as Google and Wikipedia and they think that these sources are reliable for “researching”. However, Wikipedia is strictly forbidden to use in a academic writing

Coffee House #3

Traditional Research;

What I found interesting in the articles is that nowadays we don’t really appreciate what we have. Instead we want everything to be easy on us. Back in the days people used to struggle to find sources for their assignment and would have to go to the library and search textbooks. Where as of now we have it so easy for us to go on the Internet and find so many different sources just in minutes. 

Another thing she points out is that when students research their assignment they aren’t capable of finding correct sources, instead they use sources such Wikipedia. This is because they aren’t taught the correct way. 

The last thing I found interesting is Plagiarism is a key factor, in the article it’s stated that Wikipedia is a reliable source. Many people edit Wikipedia and put false information. Which is why we don’t get good grades on assignments when we use these types of sources.

Wikipedia Research:

What I learned is that Wikipedia makes it easier for us to understand what we’re looking for. The research is based on a summary or a review.

Wikipedia is a breakdown of different types of research, from historical research to documentary research to scientific research. 

What I found interesting is that the word research came from the Middle French which means to go seeking information. 

Coffeehouse #3

Traditional research

Alexandria Lockett tries to tell us in this article that over time with the improvement of technology we have made it easier on ourselves to find out information. One way this is implied is when Alexandria states, “Researching “the research paper” via Google, Google News, and Google Scholar retrieves
almost 19,000,000 results.”

Another thing I learnt while reading this article was that with the amount of information we can find on the internet it could take decades. As stated, “Consuming data dumps, whether by the dozens, hundreds,
or thousands, would take decades to read, summarize, annotate,
interpret, and analyze.”

Finally, Alexandria states, ” but strategically incorporating them into an argument may seem impossible to today’s writers.” Reading this helped me realize that writing today is much more easier, but in this case that takes away the skill we lack in which is being able to incorporate the information we have cited into an argument.

Research Wikipedia

Research is explained to be a way to help us humans learn more and question more about certain thing such as topics like how the world was created. I was able to assume this when I read, “The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentation, discovery, interpretation, and the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.”

There are several forms of research such as scientific, humanities, economic, social, business, and marketing. There are more out there but these are just some examples. These research practices are know as meta research.

Wikipedia research helped me learn that there are multiple forms of research but each form has a different meaning to it. An example is scientific research which is scientific information and theories for the explanation of nature and the properties of the world.

Coffeehouse #3


 1.Alexandria Lockett try to tell us about before the research situation, and now the internet “we must acknowledge how the Internet makes the process of research and  writing research much more complex”.because internet give us more information about the research Which does not allow us to use our brain properly Students do not go to the library because of the internet facility

2.Unfortunately, the labor involved in researching and using the Internet for research tends to be ignored.because before the internet people have to go to the library for research.before the internet technology people need many days to to research now people need 3mint to research.the Internet make it more easy than before. 

3.some people research and they take only the idea and they make their own word, But most people cannot handle the chore of deciphering the data deluge.”Plagiarism, then, becomes a major effect of the Internet’s causal effect on teaching and learning the research paper”

Wikipedia Research

1.Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation . Research is “creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge”.It involves the collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue.

2.A research project may be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a whole.The scientific study of research practices is known as meta-research.

3. There are several forms of research: scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing, practitioner research, life, technological, etc.The scientific study of research practices is known as meta-research.

Coffee house #3

The Traditional Research Paper Is Best

Alexandria Lockett argues that the internet is the main reason some students and professors get frustrated because it results in unoriginal research papers; which then lead to disappointing grades. Students are more likely to run to the search bar on google rather than going to the library simply because it easier and more convenient.

The internet changed the game behind creating research papers. Back then doing a research paper was more time consuming and was a physical activity. From making your way to the library and looking through hundreds of books to find the right one. Not to mention having to walk up flight of stairs and interacting with employees at the library for help. Nowadays all you have to do is google what your topic is and millions of suggestions will come your way.

In the article Alexandria Lockett claimed Wikipedia has a team of editors that adds informations for the sight and steps are being made to add Wikipedia to educational institutions. Sine elementary school almost all my teachers have told me never use Wikipedia as a source for assignments because of editors. This made me think of them in a different way

Wikipedia Research

Wikipedia defines research as a collection of data organized to have a deeper understanding of a topic. Also, the scientific study of research is called meta-research. Metascience increases the quality of scientific research while reducing waste.

The word “research”is derived from the middle french which it means “to go about seeking”. The scientific method I learned is research. Most students have learned and been involved in this. The scientific method is structured in the following; finding a topic or problem, hypothesis, gathering data, analysis of data, testing and conclusions.

Wikipedia breaks down different types of research whether it being artistic, historical or scientific. I would not have thought it was so complex. I really only associated research with science for the most part. This made me realize that it is much deeper than that.

Traditional Research

In today’s society, the internet has made research more complex to conduct research. The internet gives us access to billions of information at our fingertips. Before the internet, the process of conducting research is long and very intensive. Students would have to locate information using their local or school library.

 In the past, researchers would go to the library to gather information on a subject. This process would often consist of communicating with a librarian, finding the card catalog, writing down serial numbers, walking up several flights of stairs to locate the particular source.

When we research a topic on the internet, there are billions of information at your disposal. The stock of knowledge is so wide that you have to analyze the information appropriately, and use your creativity to summarize, annotate, and interpret the information given. 

Wikipedia Research

Research is the creative and systematic work used to increase knowledge. The scientific study of research practices is known as meta-research. Meta science is the study of science. Also known as  “Research on research”. There are several forms of research: scientific, documentary, artistic, historical, etc.

Scientific research is a systematic way of gathering data and harnessing curiosity. This form of research provides scientific information and theories for the questions about nature and the properties of the world. Scientific research is a widely used standard for judging an academic institution. “Documentary research is the use of outside sources, documents, to support the viewpoint or argument of an academic work.” The process of document research involves forming an idea, using and analyzing documents.

The historical method consist of techniques and guidelines which historians use historical sources and other evidence to research and then to write history. There are many history guidelines that are commonly used by historians, under the headings of external criticism, internal criticism, and synthesis. This includes lower criticism and sensual criticism.

coffee house 3

Research papers are often the hardest thing for me to do as a writer because I just can never fully understand how to do them it is not as simple as reading a book or articles and writing about them. The first thing I learned was in the wiki article where they showed how research papers vary depending on what topic you are researching, there are different steps or points you have to discuss. The second thing I learned in the same article is there is qualitative research and quantitive research which are two methods used for research papers one is about collecting information in form of words by others whereas the other is about collecting numerical information finally the last thing I learned was there should not be generalization in a research paper because it is meant to narrow down your focus on a topic. Now in the second article by Alexandria Lockett, a lot of topics came up mostly being about the difficulty of writing a research paper. The first thing I learned was that it is very common for writers today to not understand how to connect the articles for a research paper to an argument which is one of my biggest struggles. The second thing I learned is the system set in place for plagiarism is sort of outdated due to the way research is done today through the internet. The final thing i learned was that most research paper writers are forced to come up with a paper that is hard to make original because there is a abundance of articles written on the same exact topics across the internet which is why the author believes that research papers should have a different approach taken to complete them, so that the student and the teachers cand better understand them.

Coffee house post #3

English 101

Professor Sean

The Traditional Research Paper is Best

Alexandria lockett argues that the modern research paper is not the equivalent of what it used to be – because of the huge increase of information available on the internet People used to have to leave their home to research and now going to the library is rare for a lot of students an old research paper used to be researched through raw data from a book or from word of mouth – can’t just google it now that the internet is used so widely research papers are easily accessible and it’s hard to find a topic that hasn’t been researched and written already

Her second point is that because of the way students are taught to research most of their papers turn out as borderline plagiarism very little of the information in the paper isn’t read from someone else’s article on average a college students paper is expected between 5 to 10 sources where advanced students are
probably asked to cite no more than 30 sources.

Third while we make our own research and do as we please that mostly effect us on the good way with more experience to us gain that was Alexandria lockett was arguing by saying ” traditional research papers undoubtedly address the
problem of how to evaluate and integrate sources, a contemporary
first-year college writing student will probably be sensitive to her
limitations as a single writer”.

Wikipedia Research

Historical researches is when historians research facts from the past and do analyses and lab rapports to figure out history years and years past.

Scientific researches mostly who travel around the world and examine facts we are not familiar with however, “regardless of its origin, all research begins with a basic question or proposition about a specific phenomenon.”

Research is one of most important fact about humans civilization to evolve to next stage as was happening centuries, and it’s a fact about looking answers that not knowing on certain topic.

Coffeehouse post 3

From reading those 2 readings, I can conclude that there were some things mentioned especially in the Alexandria Lockett reading that really made me realize was absolutely true and some things I learned that were helpful.

There is a part in the text written by Lockett where she says that by following a certain style or layout for a paper they think they will have an excellent paper. This really stuck out because, usually we do these papers because the instructor tells us to/it’s part of our grade therefore writing the paper to satisfy our instructor’s expectations on how the paper should be written. It’s not about satisfying them, it’s more about making sure we are able to know the components on how to write an actual research paper correctly, which eventually becomes a very big needed life skill to have in the future. Along with this though, there are many things we take for granted for example technology; we use it basically every single day and having this resource helps us out a lot when we want to learn something/get information. It’s not like years ago that we’d have to go to a library, use the Dewey decimal system to find a certain book on the shelves. I’ve also learned that Colleges/Universities/Educational Institutions have their own databases and or libraries that everyday people have access to. It’s almost like those who are privileged to have these resources are those who have money or certain circumstances that give them access to these resources while the rest don’t. Almost like being a part of a “hierarchy” or a “survival of the fittest” in terms of learning/retaining information.

In the Wikipedia page I learned that the word research came from the Middle french word recherche (defined as “to go about seeking”) but the term is obtained by the Old French term recerchier (re + cerchier; sercher defined as search). Usually words are derived from Latin or Greek words but this was my first time hearing French influence on an English word. It’s mind blowing to me how “research can be used in various ways other than history, and science. There’s purpose for it in art works as well, rather than the classic history method to learn from. Along with research though comes the danger of something being biased, an article not being done correctly and other components. Lastly however, I learned that there’s A LOT of money being given into research and development. It’s crazy to me how much money actually goes behind the scene to bring people information we are curious about or need to know.

Coffee House #3


By Alexandria Lockett

  1. Technology should be really appreciated in society nowadays because back then when students or people had to write research papers using 30 sources, they would have to go to the library and look for books whereas now you’d go on the internet and search for the topic and get millions on to billions of reliable sources to use for the research paper.
  2. Research 2.0 would benefit students greatly and is a better structure for future research papers because it stores all data that is really sufficient for some research topics and engages researchers with other researchers.
  3. Research 2.0 best platform would be Wikipedia because of how students can edit on the websites and that’s what research 2.0 encourages researchers to come together answer and helping each other out. (Note) In my opinion, it’s strange how the worst website would be best for research 2.0. I’m saying this because students were taught that Wikipedia is really bad to use because other students are given the ability to edit but I guess that’s the point.

Wikipedia Research

  1. I’ve learned research has many creative ways of being collected but the main way is three steps which are collecting data, answering questions, and presenting answers to questions. 
  2. There are many flaws to writing research papers some can affect the paper drastically such as being bias or using personal feelings to lean towards a side of an argument rather than just using evidence giving. This could lead to spreading false information which is very bad. Another flaw in research sometimes the method of obtaining information can be inaccurate for example there was the type of researching method being taught to people called the “Western Method” which was working really well for collecting data in the west but when collecting data anywhere else it wasn’t as accurate.
  3. When talking about research it can be really broad because there are many types of research in society. And each type of research most of the time can not use the same method for the others. Scientific research is very different from historical research. 
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