Time management is important to have so one can achieve their goals or complete work. It improves balance within one’s life and is a key to maintain a work life and a social life. Kelsey Miller’s article provides an easier way for students learning remotely who struggle with time management; with a list of useful tools for students to use to better their time management skills. The pandemic brought many students online to continue their studies, with more flexibility and scheduled meetings to make it simpler for everyone. Miller emphasizes the importance of time management by using productivity as an example “Effective time management not only helps with your learning but can also make you more productive at work and in your personal life. If you’re serious about successfully completing your online degree, it’s crucial to find a good system to use.” With the insertion of current events directly meant for students, Miller stresses the importance of time management and its necessity towards getting a degree. 

I have a really bad sleeping schedule due to work and personal reasons. My time management skills are not the best because I tend to procrastinate and it really does not benefit me. To start changing my routine I would start writing my goals or things I have to do down, waking up earlier on days i’m off, plan my day out, and allowing myself to rest.