some of my learning experiences I had in my life time would be my experiences in school. Even though the assignment ask for five years i wanna go back a little more to my elementary school days. Starting school as a child for me was weirdly exciting. I got to meet people start friendship and plan my life. Sure i had many futures i wanted to plan but for me the planning was all worth it. As i hit middle school sure i was moving ahead but i didnt like it. Middle school for me was the worst. to me its basically a block path for me to get to high school, but also the experience was tough and i hatted it. High school however was phenomenal. I loved it. it was like a place where i can be me and all my teachers would love me and i would love them back. it was a place me and my friends can talk and play. Of course the work got done and we always did what we had to do but to me it was like my second home, my intellectual home.

A place where i feel safe where i have the help with any of my problems whether it was school related, health related, social related, or even when i just needed to talk. weather it was for advice questions about work and question about life. so i thank my intellectual home my high school for giving me life.