Annotation 2

1- Citation: Ferla, Ruth La. “Manifesting, for the Rest of Us.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 20 Jan. 2021,

2-Summary: Law of Attraction is just manifestation. In this article, the author, Ruth La Ferla, shares people’s moments where they’ve encountered the spark of manifestation. However, there were some downsides of manifestations. Stated by Lamaar, “By the time he was 15, he said, he had visualized his way into the world of style, landing his dream job working alongside the designer Kimora Lee Simmons at Baby Phat, Mr. Lamaar said. More recently he has worked with Samsung, Google, Adidas and Amazon, among others.” Once you claim what is yours, you’ll never back down. Ferla wants to put this in her article as manifestations aren’t just magical hopes. It is and always will be one’s condemnation. Many individuals share how their manifestation worked. In order for Manifestations to work, you need to add Law of Attraction to the concept. Once you’ve obtained the basics of Law of Attraction you can head to manifesting. That is what the author wants to link together.

3- Reflection: While I was reading this article, it made me believe that maybe manifestation sounds as easy as it looks. I think what you believe is what you are. Like Albert Einstein said matter and energy are inseparable, and that energy is the basis of everything in our tangle universe. Many individuals share how their manifestation worked. It gave me a glimpse of hope that manifestations do really work. Personally, when I tried manifesting, only one-third of it came true. Which is why you need law of attraction to help you along the process.

4-Rhetorical analysis: I’m sure Ferla wrote this article as a way for her to spread her interest in manifestations. Like all the authors I’ve mentioned, she gave in other people’s experiences and combined them into one article. Thus, making her credible. Her way of writing was truly easy to read and understandable for most ages (teens-seniors). I think her purpose was to encourage others to participate in manifestations. At the end of the article, she finishes off with positivity. Hence, making her beliefs positive and a way for her to seek benefit from manifesting.

5-Genre Analysis: I believe Ferla chose this genre because she is a journalist, and her stories are very diverse. She writes articles in NY times magazine for broad audiences to read. NY times focuses on audiences who are 25-34. In the article, she mentions how Gen Z is taking over the media. Hence, this may be for audiences who do not have the knowledge these young folks do.

6-Key quote: “Dreamers are not often doers,” she writes in “Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation,” a study of the sources and perils, of unexamined optimism. “The pleasurable act of dreaming saps our energy to perform the hard work of meeting the challenges in real life.” I chose this quote because I believe having to manifest something, you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach it, hence the acts that are being made to conquer it will be done by the person who wishes it the most.

Annotation 3

1-Citation: Stokes, Victoria. “Law of Attraction or Emotional Repression? What the Experts Think.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 11 July 2023,

2-Summary: “Manifesting with the Law of Attraction: Healthy or Harmful?” by Victoria Stokes discusses the negative and positive sides of Law of Attraction. She gathers, Emma Halley, a spiritual wellness coach, and Emmy Brunner, a psychotherapist, transformation coach, and the author of “Find Your True Voice.” opinions and sum it into one article. Similarly, Whitman and Nolan. These two authors are very similar towards each other as they both gather experts and share their entitled opinions. Now let’s forward onto why it’s such a powerful tool when it comes to an individual.

3-Reflection: This article not only showcases the positive effects of Law of Attraction, but it also shows the downside to Law of Attraction. I really liked this article since it shows experts opinions. It demonstrates how one can overcome the toxic positivity. Towards the end of this article, it advises the audience to validate their feelings first then begin manifesting for your desires. I found this really enlightening since many people say, “You are what your emotions are”. There is more to that than tricking your brain into being happy when you’re actually not. It made me realize that it takes time and effort to obtain the Law of Attraction.

4-Rhetorical analysis: The author, Victoria stokes, goes into detail about why Law of Attraction isn’t just sunshine and rainbows. Firstly, she claims that there is no scientific evidence to Law of Attraction then use statistics to counterclaim. She uses quotes from Halley and Brunner as a way to build her argument.

5-Genre Analysis: I believe Stokes chose this genre because she mainly focuses on her favorite topics such as personal development and well-being. This targets audiences like me who are curious about Law of Attraction. So yes, it was a good idea for her to write this article. This article mainly targets teens to seniors as they wish to find a source that contains their interests.

6-Key quote: “The process of sitting with your feelings and allowing them to simply exist can be a powerful one. From a law of attraction point of view, believers say this may release resistant energy that can prevent your desires from manifesting.” I chose this quote because allowing yourself to know your feelings is truly the main element resorting to Law of Attraction. Inner feelings that you may have not discovered yet, may stop you from achieve anything higher.