Category Archives: See / Watch / Do

2016: Valentine Card Printing / Sale

Come to the Atrium area on February 11, 12:30-3:00pm. That’s this Thursday!

The City Tech Printmaking Club will be holding its 3rd Annual Potato Valentine Printing (free to all) and will also have cards printed and hand-printed by members for sale.


First Meeting, Fall 15

Our first meeting was spectacular! We leapt into relief printing, and I have to say every single person rocked the world! Next week, we will continue with relief printing, working with linoleum and MDF plates! Now we will get ratified and get funds from the college to build materials, plan program, and delve further into the world of the multiple!

Workshop with Artist Julia Elsas

On May 7, in N1119 during Club Hours, the Printmaking Club had a spectacular workshop with artist Julia Elsas on simple bookbinding techniques.


Booklyn’s Educational Resources

Last Week’s Extravaganza Recap, see you this Thursday in room N1119.


Thank you all previous and new members who made it to the meeting, here is the recap for those who missed.


We learned about the techniques of creating the perfect screen print.

  • squeegee at 45 degrees angle
  • Placement of paper and art
  • Being able to have your board bounce back

We printed 3 drawings

Here is a video link:  Video 1

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image image  1004555_352776461585375_145816918112901528_n  11011702_352776504918704_3030288965951548943_n image   image

image image image Amoni B and her print

We proposed a new idea:

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Food Printing Proposal

NEXT MEETING: For this week we will be meeting promptly in room N1119 continue the stencils, printings, and start the new concept, food printing. Bring in a fruit or vegetable, nothing squishy.

Keep sending in your drawings to print, remember you pay $7 towards your screen and to get a lemst 5 prints of your awesome art work.


Meeting: April 2, 2015

The PMC is kicking butt! We have settled on a general plan for the rest of the semester. We will print screen prints of student work after Spring Break, then add some stenciling and possibly relief printing from there. Join in the fun!

We are just starting to explore the stencil as a form. We welcome any student from any department. No art training? No problem!

April 02 2015: Meeting in N1104

Club Business:

  • Finalize calendar for the rest of the year
  • Make sure everyone is able to do their duties
  • Talk about funding for screen print
  • Funding a bottle jack press: GoFundMe? CLT Barthold is improving the design Prof. Clarke found. This could really happen!

Here is another design for the bottle jack press:

The Work

  • We will look at the films CLT Barthold has made so far for screen printing.
  • Prof. Clarke will do a demo of pouchoir and let you all print as well.
    • Materials needed:
      • black/white image
      • exacto knife
      • stiff paper
      • ink, paint
      • ink applicators
      • cutting surfaces (do NOT use the desk tops)

Here is some great pouchoir monoprints on an etching press:

And all that great graffiti out there? If it is not free hand, it is stencil-based, and depending on how the stencil is used it could be pouchoir.

This week: members learn to prep files for screen printing!

Here is a basic web-friendly logo for general use.

Printmaking Club meeting this week!

March 5, N1120  |  12:45 – 2:15pm

General Agenda (12:45-1:15):

Actually, some of this could be taken care of over email with the officers….

  • Signing up the rest of our members
  • Delineating duties
    • Writing constitution
    • Membership fee?
    • Filling out paperwork
    • Filling in the website (making officers admins)
    • Developing first field trip to GSS (poll members)

Printmaking Agenda  (1:15-2:15):

If you are a member:

  • Please bring a small drawing (say 6″ x 8″ at most). We will print these on paper. NO T-SHIRTS, please do not ask.
  • You need to use ink, dark pencil, or thick marker to create this drawing. The line quality needs to be opaque and at least fairly thick, like this drawing by David:


  • Very brief intro to all general methods of fine art printmaking
  • What is screen printing?
    • Equipment
    • Methods

  • Introducing the project: single color screenprints
    • Preparing drawings for making good photo stencil screens
    • Scanning images
    • Editing in Photoshop
    • Saving print quality files

David and I will take your files, create films, then bring in exposed screens and ink for you. You will need to supply your own paper when we print. Please note: if a lot of people sign up, we will have to figure out how to manage the project. 

Location and date for printing to be decided.