I hope your semester is off to a good start!

This site is still under construction, but feel free to take a look around.

Our course outline is available here. It may evolve a bit during the semester. We have four official textbooks, but you don’t need to rush out to buy them! On Monday we’ll discuss how we’ll be using them.

  • (K1) Geometry Book I: Planimetry by A. P. Kiselev, Adapted from Russian by Alexander Givental, published by Sumizdat
  • (K2) Geometry Book II: Stereometry by A.P. Kiselev, Adapted from Russian by Alexander Givental, published by Sumizdat
  • (V) Exploring Advanced Euclidean Geometry with GeoGebra by Gerard A. Venema, published by the Mathematical Association of America
  • (H) Complex Numbers & Geometry by Liang-shin Hahn, published by the Mathematical Association of America

I’m really excited to teach this class and I’m looking forward to meeting all of you!