Monday, April 1 to Sunday, April 7


  • 4.9 Subspaces, Bases and Dimension
    • Lecture notes (we didn’t finish what is in these notes on Wednesday; you are responsible for everything up to the red horizontal line on page 6)


  • Subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^n$
    • Hint for problem 7: it might help to think about points on the plane and their corresponding position vectors (for example, if $P$ is a point on the plane, its corresponding position vector is $\overrightarrow{OP}$)
  • Coordinates and Basis (Now due 4/14)
  • Last week’s sets, Spanning Sets and Linear Independence, are open for partial credit until Wednesday 4/3



  • Office hours Monday are cancelled (schedule an appointment if you can’t wait until Wednesday)
  • You should have received an email from the math department about a “reflection and support” module in WeBWorK. This is separate from your usual WeBWorK homework and will not impact your overall WeBWorK score, though it’s there to help you with the course material. When you click the link in the email and log in with the information yo were sent, it will take you to a separate WeBWorK section with three sets. Complete each of the three sets for five extra participation points (you’ll get the five extra points only if you complete all three sets).
    • The timeline for the different part of the module is as follows. As long as the activities are open, you can take as much time as you need to answer the questions. However, for Activity Demo and Activity, you have only one attempt to submit your work. To submit your work, you need to click on Grade Test after working on all problems
      • MAT2580-Reflection and Support (due 4/29)
      • MAT2580-Activity-Demo (due 5/13)
      • MAT2580-Activity (opens 4/29, due 5/13)
  • Test #3 will be given in class Monday 5/6 (after spring break)

(Instructor link)