Professor Poirier | D760 | Spring 2024

Introduce yourself!

Your first assignment is to add yourself to our OpenLab course and to submit a post according to the instructions below. Your post will count toward your participation grade.

Add yourself to our OpenLab course

  1. If you haven’t already, sign up for an OpenLab account using your CityTech email address.
  2. After you’ve logged in, add yourself to our MAT 2580 course by clicking “join group.” (This is the course profile page; we won’t be using it again for the rest of the semester. Instead we’ll be using the course site.)

Submit a post introducing yourself

  1. From the class OpenLab site you can create a new post by clicking the symbol that looks like a + sign inside a circle at the top of the screen.
  2. You must be a member of the course and logged in to see the + sign at the top of the screen. If you don’t see it, head back to the course profile to add yourself to the group.
  3. Title your post “Introducing [your first name] [your last name].” (You may use just initials if you like, as long as there’s enough information for me to locate you on my official roster.)
  4. Tell us anything you’d like us to know about you! Write one paragraph with at least five sentences. Some suggestions are…
    • Your pronouns (examples: she/her/hers or he/him/his or they/them/theirs)
    • Your major and how you became interested in your major
    • Which math classes you’ll take after this one (if you don’t know, you can check your program requirements in the college catalog here)
    • What you hope to do after you graduate from CityTech; short-term goals, long-term goals, whatever…Other interests/hobbies you have
    • Something you’re good at
    • Something you’re bad at (you’re not allowed to say math!)
    • An interesting fact about yourself
    • A boring fact about yourself
    • Your favorite book
    • Your favorite animal
    • If you feel comfortable, add a picture of yourself…. OR YOUR PETS!!!
  5. Your post will not be published without a category. On the menu at the right of the screen, click on “Post,” then scroll to “Categories,” and select Introduce yourself.
  6. Remember that this post will be available publicly on the internet. Don’t include any private information or anything you’re not comfortable with sharing publicly. (Don’t include your phone number or any answers to security questions!)
  7. Read and comment on at least one your classmates’ posts. (Note: the administrator may have to approve your comments, so don’t worry if your comments don’t appear right away.)
  8. If you have anything private that you’d like to share with me but not with the whole class (for example, if you are to receive a testing accommodation through Student Support Services), please include this information when you complete the first-day survey.


  1. kiyankhan

    Hi, my name is Kiyan Khan my major is Computer Engineering I will be taking MAT 2680 next semester and that will be my last semester. My interests are traveling the city and finding new places to explore. After college I wish to work in the robotics field last semester I took robotics and I find it very interesting to work in this field. I’m a boring person I don’t like to do anything crazy just live my life. I don’t own an animal but my favorite animal is a tiger because they are ferocious animals.

    • Kate Poirier

      Nice to meet you Kiyan! You’ve submitted your intro as a comment and not a post. Please copy-paste your intro into a new post using the directions in my post above. Let me know if you have any questions!

  2. luka1

    Hi my name is Luka Pirtskhalava. My major is computer science. My interests are math and playing chess. I also like riding a bike. I want to become an computer specialist. When i am bored i listen to music. I like reading books.

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