Introducting Martin Witkowski

  • Computer Systems and Technology
  • I was interested in computers since high school and haven’t stopped since.
  • I hope to start developing apps and software for companies.
  • Algorithms interest me most. This is due to the fact that it gives me new ways of thinking about how to solve problems.
  • I hope to learn no ways in thinking that will allow me to solve problems more efficiently and uniquely.
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Introducing Kate Poirier

I’ve been a professor in the math department at CityTech for a few years now, but this is my first time teaching this course. I’m pretty excited about it; teaching the same thing over and over again can sometimes get boring and every time I teach something new, I learn something new. So that keeps things interesting for me. As I mentioned in class, I don’t have as much programming experience as many of you already do, so I expect you’ll be pushing me pretty hard on that aspect this semester!

Outside of teaching, I do research in pure math. My field is algebraic topology. If you want to distract me sometime, ask me about it. I can go on for hours! What I like about topology is that it can be super visual. I have a background in visual art, so I love that working in topology allows me to draw picture all day long. It’s the best.

I grew up in Toronto, Canada, and completed my Bachelors degree in math there. I then moved to New York and completed my Doctorate in math at the CUNY Graduate Center. After that, I worked at the University of California, Berkeley for a few years, which was really fun. I felt like I was on vacation every day! Even though I’m from Canada, I hate the cold (though I admit to having fun playing in the big snowstorm we had a few weeks ago). I’m happy to be back in New York now, even if I do have to bundle up in the winter. I like reading, running, and riding my bike (in nice weather…I’m a real wimp). I haven’t made any art of my own lately, but I still get out to the museums and galleries from time to time to check out what’s going on.

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First assignment – Introduce yourself – due Monday, February 8

Your first assignment is to add yourself to our OpenLab course and to submit a post introducing yourself to the class. Your post is due by 8am on Monday, February 8.

  1. Sign up for an OpenLab account using your CityTech email address.
  2. After you’ve logged in, add yourself to our MAT 2540 class.
  3. From the class OpenLab site you can create a new post by clicking the symbol that looks like a + sign inside a circle at the top of the screen.
  4. Title your post “Introducing [your first name] [your last name].” (You may use just initials if you like, as long as there’s enough information for me to locate you on my official roster.)
  5. From the categories on the right-hand side of the screen, make sure to select “Introduce yourself” so that the rest of us can locate your post later.
  6. Tell us anything you’d like us to know about you! Some suggestions are…
    • Your major
    • How you got interested in math/computer science
    • What you hope to do after you graduate from CityTech; short-term goals, long-term goals, whatever…
    • What topics interested you most from MAT 2440
    • What you hope to get out of this course (I don’t mean which grade you want!
    • Other interests/hobbies you have
  7. For extra credit, read and comment on your classmates’ posts! (Note: the administrator will have to approve your comments, so don’t be surprised if they don’t appear right away)

Keep your eyes peeled…I’ll submit a post introducing myself too!

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Welcome to MAT 2540!

Take a look around! All course information will be posted on this site. Check back regularly for updates.

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