Author Archives: Kate Poirier

Links from today’s class

I just wanted to call your attention to the Links page of our OpenLab site; I’ve updated it with links to the food-photo algorithm and the halting problem video that we looked at in class today. Our discussion of the … Continue reading

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Homework due and quiz #1 – Wednesday, February 10

We’ve completed section 3.1, so you should be able to complete all the practice problem from 3.1 now (listed on the calendar). I highly recommend using these problems as practice before attempting the official homework problems listed below; solutions of … Continue reading

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Introducing Kate Poirier

I’ve been a professor in the math department at CityTech for a few years now, but this is my first time teaching this course. I’m pretty excited about it; teaching the same thing over and over again can sometimes get … Continue reading

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First assignment – Introduce yourself – due Monday, February 8

Your first assignment is to add yourself to our OpenLab course and to submit a post introducing yourself to the class. Your post is due by 8am on Monday, February 8. Sign up for an OpenLab account using your CityTech … Continue reading

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Welcome to MAT 2540!

Take a look around! All course information will be posted on this site. Check back regularly for updates.

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