9e. Convert your answer from (c) to its hexadecimal expansion.
1827 = 16 * 114 + 3
114 = 16 * 7 + 2
7 = 16 * 0 + 7
= (723) base 16
Check: 7 * 16^2 + 2 * 16^1 + 3 * 16^0 = (1827) base 10.
Professor Kate Poirier, Spring 2017
9e. Convert your answer from (c) to its hexadecimal expansion.
1827 = 16 * 114 + 3
114 = 16 * 7 + 2
7 = 16 * 0 + 7
= (723) base 16
Check: 7 * 16^2 + 2 * 16^1 + 3 * 16^0 = (1827) base 10.
9d. Convert the answer from (c) to its octal expansion.
1827 = 8 * 228 + 3
228 = 8 * 28 + 4
28 = 8 * 3 + 4
3 = 8 * 0 + 3
= (3443) base 8
Check: 3 * 8^3 + 4 * 8^2 + 4 * 8^1 + 3 * 8^0 = (1827) base 10
9c. Convert the decimal expansion of (1827) base 10 to its binary expansion. Show your work.
1827 = 2 * 913 + 1
913 = 2 *456 + 1
456 = 2 * 228 + 0
228 = 2 *114 + 0
114 = 2 * 57 + 0
57 = 2 * 28 + 1
28 = 2 * 14 + 0
14 = 2 * 7 + 0
7 = 2 * 3 + 1
3 = 2 * 1 + 1
1 = 2 * 0 + 1
Check : (1 * 2^10 + 1 * 2^9 + 1 * 2^8 + 0 * 2^7 + 0 * 2^6 + 1 * 2^5 + 0 * 2^4 + 0 * 2^3 + 0 * 2^2 + 1 * 2^1 + 1*2^0) = (1827) base 10.
(1827) base 10 = (11100100011) base 2.
6. Use the Euclidean algorithm to determine the greatest common divisor of 1078 and 2541. Show your work.
GCD (1078, 2541)
2541 = 2 * 1078 + 385
1078 = 2 * 385 +308
385 = 1 * 308 + 77
308 = 4 * 77 + 0
GCD (1078, 2541) = GCD (1078, 385) = GCD (385, 308) = GCD (308, 77) = GCD (77, 0) = 77
6a. Determine the argument form of the above argument.
Notation: W(x): x is willing to prevent evil
A(x): x is able to prevent evil
P(x): x prevents evil
I(x): x is impotent
M(x): x is malevolent
E(x): x exists.
S stands for Superman.
Let’s write the givens:
1: (A(S) ∧ W(S)) → P(S)
2. ¬A(S) → I(S)
3. ¬W(S) → M(S)
4. ¬P(S)
5. E(S) → (¬M(S) ∧ ¬I(S))
6. ¬A(S) ∨ ¬W(S)
7. M(S) ∨ I(S)
8. ¬(¬M(S) ∧ ¬I(S))
9. ¬E(S)
Major: Computer Systems Technology
Reason for interest in Math/Computer Science: I liked to learn anything involving numbers in math and I also found computers enjoyable to use. That’s basically the reason I chose computer systems as my major.
I plan to graduate from City Tech. My goal is to work as an IT person in a company focusing on security.
What I want to get out from this class: In this class, I want to gain the knowledge of algorithms in how to define, create, and develop them.
Other interests/hobbies: I like to play basketball and watch NCIS. Occasionally, I enjoy reading.
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