Professor Kate Poirier, Spring 2017

Introducing Elbert Yan

Major: Computer Systems Technology

Reason for interest in Math/Computer Science: I liked to learn anything involving numbers in math and I also found computers enjoyable to use. That’s basically the reason I chose computer systems as my major.

I plan to graduate from City Tech. My goal is to work as an IT person in a company focusing on security.

What I want to get out from this class: In this class, I want to gain the knowledge of algorithms in how to define, create, and develop them.

Other interests/hobbies: I like to play basketball and watch NCIS. Occasionally, I enjoy reading.


1 Comment

  1. francisirizarry

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I want to gain the knowledge of algorithms in how to define, create, and develop them. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Anyway, NCIS is an excellent show, Jethro is best bro. Good luck with security entail with CST, I imagine creating keys using hash methods and such will not be a fun task, especially with cryptology (And yes I am aware the definition is: the study of codes, or the art of writing and solving them. ) and cryptography (And yes I am aware the definition is: ) is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries. ) and Cryptanalysis (and YES, I am aware of the definition: is the study of analyzing information systems in order to study the hidden aspects of the systems. ) Additionally, I assume you’ve be well versed in various algorithms (in C++ as an example shown here; *This is the place to find the listed algorithms created within the header (Preprocessor directive #include ) * )
    Or maybe in the class we will learn ( Quick sort which is O n log n
    ( ) *mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity.* )) Which is basically take a point/number in a list/array/vector/linked list/etc. and move it across the list, if the value/item/number/letter(ascii key)/etc is greater move right, otherwise move left. If you reach a number that is lower than the number you brought across stop there and evaluate both sides (Similar to Binary Search (Get the middle of the “list” if the value is the one needed stop, otherwise check if “value” to the left is “lower” if so check if “value” to the right is “greater” if so move accordingly. Then you break the list in half again, and follow the same logic until you read the number or a point in the list where the number does/doesn’t exist( EX. )) 136274895 = 136274859 = 136274589 = 136274589 = 13627|4589 === 13267 | 4589 ===
    123674589 = 123647589 = 123645789 = 123465789 = 123456789. But yeah, hopefully we learn these things better than I can explain, maybe? I only know based on searching this information up in the past (Previous C++ class); however, I can not say I have taken any time more than about 10-20 minutes looking up this information when I was interested. Granted, I had to google to get the links to show relevant information (and maybe I am wrong? we’ll find out I suppose). Also, I hate reading. I can’t focus.

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