As promised, all old Webwork sets have been reopened. Old sets are now due on May 17 at 11:59pm.

There are four sets that are still new; two of them are optional and two of them are required:

  1. (Optional) Riemann Sums Open, closes 05/17/2020 at 11:58pm EDT.
  2. Area Between Curves Open, closes 05/17/2020 at 11:58pm EDT.
  3. (Optional) Volumes Open, closes 05/17/2020 at 11:58pm EDT.
  4. Shells and Washers Open, closes 05/17/2020 at 11:58pm EDT.

Please note that they’re all due on the same day that the old sets are due, but they’re due at 11:58pm instead of 11:59pm. The difference is timing is just so that the four new sets appear at the top of your page.

If you don’t want to revisit your old Webwork sets, no worries. Just focus on the top 4 (or only the 2 that are required, if you don’t want to do the optional ones).