Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Introducing Reuben Reyes

Hi, my name is Reuben Reyes and I’m majoring in Computer Engineering. I was in the Computer Science major but switched because I wanted some it something with more hands on and that’s where engineering came in to play. Once i graduate, I would like to see myself working with/at Microsoft or at Columbia University (brother works there as an IT support specialist) One of favorite books is called “BONE by Jeff Smith”, comic book series I read when I was younger, and “The Great Gatsby”. Also my favorite two sports are Basketball (NY Knicks) and Football (NY Giants).


  1. Inderpreet singh

    Nice, Reuben you made a great decision because you love the hardware developing with a plus of software knowledge, i relay wish a good luck with everything an hope you may achieve your goals. I am doing computer Science and even my main goal is to be in any well known and big software developing companies like Google as its quite broad, Microsoft, Facebook etc. I will also advice you to do some of your own stuff start with building some basic, gaming and powerful computer CPU, with your creativity and skills you can earn extra money out of it.

  2. Mamadou

    what is your favorite basketball team ?

  3. Antonio Johnson

    Hey Reuben, I hope you accomplish your goals on becoming a computer engineer and working with/at Microsoft or Columbia University. If I were to give you any advice I would say pick a new favorite basketball and football team. They don’t look like they’re going anywhere. Especially the Knicks LOL

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