Author Archives: Kate Poirier

Homework #4 (copied from Blackboard)

(Originally posted on Blackboard on February 14) Webwork: DerivativeDefinition and DerivativeFunction due February 23 Handwritten component due February 24: 2.7 #23-29 odd (these are fairly computational; there is no WebWork set corresponding to section 2.7) and #43 3.1 #49 3.2 … Continue reading

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Homework #3 (copied from Blackboard)

(Originally posted on Blackboard on February 14) Webwork: LimitsAlgebraic Trig due February 16) Handwritten component due February 20: 2.5, Preliminary questions, #2 2.5, Further insights and challenges, #55 2.6, Exercises, #3 2.6, Exercises, #33 2.6, Exercises, #51

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Homework #2 (copied from Blackboard)

(Originally posted on Blackboard on February 3.) Webwork: LimitsIntro and LimitsContinuity due February 9. Handwritten due February 10. 2.2 #37 2.3 #31 2.4 #81, 84, 88

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Homework #1 (copied from Blackboard)

(Originally posted on Blackboard January 28.) Homework #1 WebWork: FunctionsReview due Sunday, February 2    

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Homework #0 (copied from Blackboard)

You can ignore this post and the next few; I’m just copying information from Blackboard announcements to the OpenLab for the sake of completeness. First posted January 26. Homework #0 (1) Log into Blackboard and check to make sure you … Continue reading

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The most commonly used math typesetting language is called (pronounced LAY-teck). WordPress (and the OpenLab) apparently support Latex commands but since I’m new here, I just wanted to experiment with the input…so you can ignore any math-symbol gibberish at the … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Spring 2014 MAT1475H OpenLab site! I’m still getting the hang of the OpenLab, but expect to move slowly over from Blackboard. The site still needs plenty of editing and updating, but stay tuned!

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