Author Archives: Kate Poirier

Homework #5 – comments

Homework #5 grades are now posted in Blackboard’s grade center. Don’t freak out that the grades are low: There were only three questions and I think one in particular was a little hard The grade you see is out of … Continue reading

Posted in Homework | 2 Comments

Written homework solutions 2, 3, 4, 5

Here are my own solutions for most of the written homework that you’ve submitted so far. Let me know if you have any questions. Solutions2 Solutions3 Solutions4 Solutions5

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Test #1 – March 12

Test #1 will be given in class next Wednesday, March 12. It will cover everything up to and including this Wednesday’s lecture. This includes Chapter 2 except for 2.8 (there’ll be an extra-credit question like those in 2.9 but otherwise … Continue reading

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Homework #6 – due March 9, 10, & 11 (Updated)

WebWork sets Derivatives-ChainRule, Derivatives-InverseTrig, and Derivatives-Exponential-Logs are all due Sunday night. Don’t forget to set your clock FORWARD. Otherwise, these sets will be due an hour before you expect them to be. There is no written component this week. Instead, … Continue reading

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Two interesting events on campus tomorrow – Thursday, February 27

These two events might compete for your attention during club hours tomorrow. I’ll be in a meeting, but if I weren’t, I’d be interested in attending either the Math Club talk or the Physics Club talk myself! Details for both … Continue reading

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Homework #5 – due March 2, 3, & 4 (Updated)

WebWork sets Derivatives-ProductQuotient and Derivatives-Trigonometric are due Sunday night. These sets are a little long but should be straightforward after tomorrow’s class. At the beginning of Monday’s class, please hand in the written component: 3.3 #64, 65, and 66 3.6 … Continue reading

Posted in Homework | 20 Comments

Homework #4 – resubmit Wednesday if you like

A few people had asked permission to resubmit the homework they handed in today, based on the feedback they got on the homework that was returned today. If anyone else wants to resubmit, you can do so and hand in … Continue reading

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Exercise for Wednesday

At the end of today’s class we saw that we could use to prove that the derivative of is . Try using this fact to determine the derivative of , where is any positive number. Hint 1: There’s a clever … Continue reading

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Homework #4 update

The update to Homework #4 is that there is no update. I just checked, and given what we talked about today, you should be able to complete all the Webwork for Sunday night, and all the written work for Monday … Continue reading

Posted in Homework | 11 Comments

Slopes of tangent lines – practice for tonight

At the end of today’s class each group used the limit formula to compute slopes of tangents for for points of tangency with -coordinates latex 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The slopes were , and respectively. From this, you … Continue reading

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