Your upcoming responsibilities

Just a reminder….

  1. WebWork sets due tonight:
  • Rates of change and higher derivatives
  • Related rates
  • Implicit differentiation

2. WebWork set due Sunday night: Linear approximation

3. Extra-credit test grades emailed to me by Sunday night.

4. Group project groups and topics decided by Sunday night. (Use the Open Lab to discuss, even if it’s just to say which of the four proposed projects most interests you.)


5. Upcoming WebWork sets that make use of material discussed today:

  • Extreme values
  • Monotonicity
  • Shape of graphs
  • Curve sketching – asymptotes
  • Optimization (we’ll go over this in more detail in class)

You might not be able to do all of the problems on all of these sets, but you can do some of the problems on all of these sets now. I haven’t set due dates yet, but it’d be worth taking a look at the problems as soon as you get a chance, to see how to use topics from today’s class.


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