Group Projects – preliminary ideas

The timeline for the group projects will be laid out for you soon, but we should figure out two things as soon as we can:

  1. Who’s in what group?
  2. What’s that group’s topic?

I just posted preliminary topic ideas and project descriptions under Group Projects. As I described in class, I haven’t yet been able to come up with something more creative on my own. I’ll keep thinking and asking all my nerd friends for ideas! If any of the four topics listed on that page looks like it might be at all interesting to you, great. All you have to do for now is indicate your preference by posting a comment. If you think you have a better idea, that’s wonderful. Post a comment describing the idea so we can start figuring out the details of it, and so you can start recruiting classmates to join your group. We have tons of flexibility topic-wise so even though the four ideas are all applications of calculus, we can also think about having projects that are more theory based.

Ideally, there will be groups of 3 or 4. If one topic is overwhelmingly popular, we can have two groups working on the same topic, but hopefully from different perspectives.

I’d like to have a sense of the answers for 1 and 2 above by next week.


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