Two interesting events on campus tomorrow – Thursday, February 27

These two events might compete for your attention during club hours tomorrow. I’ll be in a meeting, but if I weren’t, I’d be interested in attending either the Math Club talk or the Physics Club talk myself! Details for both are below.

Title: “Conway’s RATS”
Speaker: Dr. Johann Thiel (NYCCT)
Date/Room: Thursday Feb 27, 2014, 12:45-2pm, Namm N719
Abstract: John H. Conway is known for several mathematical games, including the well-known Game of Life. In this talk we will discuss Conway’s RATS game. To play, just pick a number. Reverse the digits of the number, Add the reversed number to the original, Then sort the digits in increasing order. The game ends if repeating this process enough times gives you the same number twice. As simple as this sounds, very little is known about this game. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 77, 145, 668, 1345, 6677, 13444, 55778,…

Title: Falling into a Black hole
Speaker: Dr. Justin Vazquez-Poritz (NYCCT)
Date/Room: February 27, 1-2pm, room: 804
Abstract: This talk will answer the question: what would it be like to fall into
a black hole? Various effects of Relativity, such as how time freezes
at the event horizon of a black hole, will be illustrated with stories
involving animated sequences. There are three ways by which falling
into a black hole could lead to a tragic ending, and we will discuss
how two out of the three ways might be prevented. If one is able to
survive the trip going inside a black hole, bizarre properties of
space and time emerge, such as being able to travel backwards in time.
We will discuss how the quantum vacuum could be used in order to
escape from a black hole.
We will also discuss plans for attending Brookhaven National
Laboratory. A free guided tour of an exciting research institution.

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One Response to Two interesting events on campus tomorrow – Thursday, February 27

  1. Kate Poirier says:

    I’ll be giving a talk for the Math Club on March 20. I’ll definitely bug you all to try to get you to come. The official advertisement will come later, so this is just a warning.

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