Homework #4 update

The update to Homework #4 is that there is no update. I just checked, and given what we talked about today, you should be able to complete all the Webwork for Sunday night, and all the written work for Monday morning. There’s more to talk about from Section 3.2, but you won’t need it for the homework exercises.

Most of the questions assigned to you from 3.2 involve the relationship between the graph of a function and the graph of its derivative. This can take some getting used to at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll be easy. It might be helpful for you to explore the example I showed in class today more yourself. Click below.

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11 Responses to Homework #4 update

  1. Kate Poirier says:

    By the way, 3.2 #98 is interesting, but it might not be completely obvious right now how it relates to limits and derivatives. We can say something more concrete later, but for now, you might like to play with this example: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ewjdjzglsm. The question is asking about lines through the origin, so you can set b=0 and just play with m, which is really your \lambda. You can add the graph f(x)=e^x and just see how the number of intersections changes when you change the slope of your line. The person who set up this Desmos example restricted the slopes to lie between -10 and 10, but you can change these limits…just click on the numbers at the end of the slider.

  2. Account Deleted says:

    Use the Power Rule to compute the derivative:
    \frac{d}{dx} \{t}^\frac{2/3} | t=3
    \frac{2}{3} \{t}^\frac{2}{3}-1
    \frac{2}{3} \{t}^\frac{-1}{3}
    \frac{2}{3} \{3}^\frac{-1}{3}


  3. Account Deleted says:

    Use the Power Rule to compute the derivative:
    \frac{d}{dx} \{t}^(\frac{2/3}) | t=3
    \frac{2}{3} \{t}^(\frac{2}{3})-1
    \frac{2}{3} \{t}^(\frac{-1}{3})
    \frac{2}{3} \{3}^(\frac{-1}{3})


  4. Account Deleted says:

    Use the Power Rule to compute the derivative:
    \frac{d}{dx} \{t}^{\frac{2/3}} | t=3
    \frac{2}{3} \{t}^{\frac{2}{3}}-1
    \frac{2}{3} \{t}^{\frac{-1}{3}}
    \frac{2}{3} \{3}^{\frac{-1}{3}}


  5. Nicholas Yu says:

    nothing really seems “unique” when changing c… the position just moves around in a way just so no matter what c is, when you plug in 0, you would still get the y intercept as “b”

  6. Account Deleted says:


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