Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Month: August 2019 (Page 2 of 2)

Introducing Katie Salas

Hi! I am originally from California. I have been in NYC for 10 years. I had planned on going back to school for nursing but after a successful math class last semester I’ve changed my major to computers.

I enjoy reading, museums, boat rides, and movies.


Introducing Eman Ahmad

This is my first year at City Tech, I didn’t choose a major yet but will probably choose Nursing next semester. I have problems socializing and am unapproachable so don’t take it as me hating you because I don’t even know who you are.

Introducing Jared Williams

Hello everyone, my name is Jared Williams. This is the start of my third year of college, but my second semester at city tech. Last semester I declared computer systems technology as my major. I decided majored in CST because I grew up surrounded by computers. I hope to achieve high grades in this class,  and am very motivated to apply myself, as this is the last math course I will need toward my major.

The One and Only – Daniele D’Ambrosio

Hi, my name is Daniele Raffaele Ignazio D’Ambrosio.

I am currently at the start of my journey to (hopefully) complete a Computer System Major – and I hope that, through my journey, I am able to find out what I want to do with my life and what career options that I want to apply for once I graduate.

My hobbies are Reading, Writing, Drawing, playing Video Games, and watching television/movies/et cetera. These things are my hobbies because I love fiction, I love going through the worlds and imaginations of others and creating my own – to me, it is simply divine.

Introducing Alejandro Xie

My name is Alejandro Xie and I am in the CST major. This is my second semester here. I became interested in my major due to taking drafting and electronics courses while I was in high school. My favorite book genre is Sci-Fi / Fantasy, and my favorite series is GONE, by Michael Grant. Also, Harry Potter is still a childhood series I re-read from time to time. I hope to achieve a high grade in this class and apply these math skills in the future.

Jeffrey rivera

Recently, I came back to New York City after spending some pleasant vacations at  the beautiful island of “Puerto Rico”. I was born 19 years ago in the previously stated country but I moved officially to N.Y.C a few years after. I am majoring in computer systems because I’ve always wanted to become an app developer. I am not a fan of math but i find it very useful in my day to day life. I will not be required to take anymore math courses, thus this will be the last math course it’ll be attending for the rest of my college career.

Introducing Alejandro Paez

I am Alejandro Paez and I am attending City Tech to major in Computer Engineer Technology. I knew I wanted to be in the Computer Engineering field when I was young, because I would take apart a bunch of things and figure out what each component does . It was nothing big I would only take apart calculators and such. While I was in high school I took the English regents three times, getting a low score the first two times. Getting those low scores pushed me to try more on the third time and I surprised my self by getting a 93 on the test, which I’m proud of. Also a few of my hobbies are skating or playing basketball with my friends. Overall I think of myself as a very chill guy.

Welcome, homework, and quiz

Welcome to your MAT 1375 OpenLab site! All course information is posted here. Please take a look around.

OpenLab Homework #1

Your first assignment is to add yourself to our OpenLab course and to submit a post according to the instructions below. Your post is due by 10 am on Tuesday, September 3. Your post will count toward your participation grade.

  1. Sign up for an OpenLab account using your CityTech email address.
  2. After you’ve logged in, add yourself to our MAT 1375 class.

Submit your post:

  1. From the class OpenLab site you can create a new post by clicking the symbol that looks like a + sign inside a circle at the top of the screen.
  2. Title your post “Introducing [your first name] [your last name].” (You may use just initials if you like, as long as there’s enough information for me to locate you on my official roster.)
  3. From the categories on the right-hand side of the screen, make sure to select “Introduce yourself” so that the rest of us can locate your post later.
  4. Tell us anything you’d like us to know about you! Write one paragraph with at least five sentences. Some suggestions are…
    • Your pronouns (examples: she/her/hers or he/him/his or they/them/theirs)
    • Your major
    • How you became interested in your major
    • Which math classes you’ll take after MAT 1375 (if you don’t know, you can check your program requirements in the college catalog here)
    • What you hope to do after you graduate from CityTech; short-term goals, long-term goals, whatever…
    • Other interests/hobbies you have
    • Something you’re good at
    • Something you’re proud of
    • A time when you overcame something difficult
    • Your favorite book
    • Your favorite animal
  5. Read and comment on at least one your classmates’ posts. (Note: the administrator will have to approve your comments, so don’t worry if they don’t appear right away.)
  6. If you have anything private that you’d like to share with me but not with the whole class (for example, if you are to receive a testing accommodation through Student Support Services), please email me directly.

Webwork #1:

Your first Webwork assignment consists of two short sets. Answers are due by 09/02/2019 at 11:59pm EST.

  • Absolute Value Inequalities
  • Interval Notation

To log into Webwork, follow this link.

  • Your login name is your first initial + the first 6 letters of your last name. For example, if your name is Barack Obama, your login name is bobama but if your name is Beyonce Knowles, your login name is bknowle. (If your last name has a space or a hyphen, delete it.) All letters are lower case.
  • Your password is your CUNY EMPLID number.
  • If you can’t log in, let me know after class.

Click on the homework set’s name to view the problems. Click on individual problems and enter your answer. After you have entered an answer, the system will tell you if it is correct. Make sure you have entered all your answers before the deadline. There is nothing else for you to do after that.

Here are some tips: WeBWorK Guide for Students.

Quiz #1

Your first quiz will be given at the beginning of class on Thursday, September 12. It will be based on material/exercises from Sessions 1, 2, and 3.

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