Spring 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Introducing Tiffany Zhang

Hello. My name is Tiffany Zhang. I am currently majoring in Architectural Technology. After 2 years in City Tech, I would like to attend City College or NYU Tandon.  I hope to adopt a Shiba Inu or a Husky when I get a house of my own.


  1. Mohammad Ishtiaq

    Hello, I also am planning to leave the school, and maybe go to NYU someday. But I plan to get a pug when I move out soon.

  2. Dief

    Nice to meet you Tiffany! I have the same plan too which is attending City College.

  3. Mohfai

    I would like to attend NYU too!!!

  4. Brianna Grant

    I plan on transferring out of city tech as well! i want to get my bachelors

  5. sergio tello

    i also want to transfer to City college. it offers a architecture program and has a soccer team

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