Professor Kate Poirier | D046 | Fall 2023

Author: Kate Poirier (Page 4 of 14)

Week 12 checklist

Tuesday, November 14 to Monday, November 20



  • Graphs-Graphing Linear Equations
  • Graphs-Slope of a Line
  • Graphs-Equation of a Line
  • Graphs-Intro to Conics


Test #2

  • In class Tuesday, November 21
  • Covers everything since Test #1 (starting with radical expressions and ending with linear equations with two variables, see full topic list here)

MAT 1275 X MAT 2680 Collab

Due Monday, November 20

MAT 1275 students’ instructions

MAT 1275 students, the instructions here are not for you! Do not comment on this post! See the post with your instructions over on the MAT 2680 site here.

MAT 2680 students’ instructions

MAT 2680 students, welcome to the MAT 1275 site! Some of you probably took MAT 1275 at CityTech but for those of you who didn’t: MAT 1275 is CityTech’s College Algebra and Trigonometry course. The students in this class have just finished learning techniques for solving quadratic, rational, and radical equations in one variable and they’re about to learn about graphing linear and quadratic equations in two variables.

So the MAT 1275 students are like past versions of you! They’re a few semesters behind where you are in their math journeys. What advice do you have for them to help them succeed?

  • Maybe you’d like to tell them what skills or material you think is most important from MAT 1275 or any of the other math classes you took before MAT 2680?
  • Maybe you’d like to tell them what you wish they’d learned better from MAT 1275 any of the other math classes you took before MAT 2680?
  • Maybe you’d just like to tell them how you have succeeded in your math classes?
  • Maybe you’d like to tell them something more personal like what your major is, what you like about differential equations, what you liked about Algebra and Trigonometry, or what other math classes you have to take?

Your instructions for this assignment are simple: in the comments below, give the MAT 1275 students some unsolicited advice.

Since you have not commented in this group before, your comments will not appear right away. They have to be approved by the administrator first, but the administrator is me and I’ll approve any advice as long as itis not too inappropriate. Anyone who offers any advice will earn participation credit.

Week 11 checklist

Tuesday, November 7 to Monday, November 13



  • Equations-Rational Equations
  • Equations-Radical Equations



  • Mid-semester grades are posted in Blackboard’s gradebook. These are unofficial grades calculated roughly to give you an idea of how you are progressing in the course. They incorporate your WeBWorK grade so far, Test #1, and your HOT topic grade (out of 7 at this point). They do not incorporate your participation grade. You can see the percent grade as well as the conversion to the letters P (making satisfactory progress) and N (needs improvement). To pass the course, your overall grade at the end of the semester must be at least 60%.

Coming up…

  • Test #2 will be given in class the week of Thanksgiving break. It will cover all material since Test #1 (starting with radical expressions).
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