1. Physics (algebra-based) 1433
  2. The full text of the problem/question.
  3. A particle has a velocity of v=5 m/s initially and is later observed to have a velocity of v=-0.75 m/s. In what direction does the acceleration point, relative to the direction of the original displacement?
  4. 6 points
    • Context – Being able to solve for Direction and acceleration
    • Observations – We have an initial velocity of 5 m/s, The velocity later decreased to -0.75 m/s, There has been a change in order for the velocity to change.
    • Questions – How to find acceleration? How to find Displacement? How can Velocity change?
    • Strategies – Compare the different velocities
    • Concepts – I need to understand the factors like time, used to determine the velocity and what change in direction can cause an object to do.
    • Conclusion – The acceleration is going in the opposite direction of the initial velocity
  5. Your impression of how solving/answering the problem/question from your other course using the 6 points compared to solving HOT topics problems is.
    • Do you think the 6 points worked well for the particular topic you chose? Why or why not?
      • To a certain extent because it did help me break down the question which made it easier to find the conclusion but when it comes to more complicated or complex questions some of the 6 steps would have to be reinterpreted.
    • Did you have to reinterpret any of the 6 steps?
      • No not really.
    • Would you recommend the 6-point framework to your classmates in that class even if they’re not using it in their math class? Why or why not?
      • Yes to an extent, only for certain problems that don’t require much work because it can help with breaking down the questions
    • Any other thoughts you have about using the problem-solving framework in other classes.
      • I feel like it fits well with math, just math