Email me at GRANT.YI@MAIL.CITYTECH.CUNY.EDU for any questions regarding ENVC 1120 or 1110
Author Archives: Grant
ENVC Peer Advisement [OPEN] 11:00-2:00PM V217
ENVC 1120 tutoring session is now open at voorhees 217.
ENVC Peer Advisement [CLOSED] 1:00-4:00PM V217
email me at for any questions regarding ENVC 1110/1120.
ENVC Peer Advisment [OPEN] 1:00-4:00PM V217
Hi, I’ll be tutoring ENVC 1110 today at Voorhees 217 on the left side of the lab with my laptop. Other questions about the major or courses are also welcome.
ENVC Peer Advisement [CLOSED] 11:00-2:00PM V217
Email me at GRANT.YI@MAIL.CITYTECH.CUNY.EDU for any questions regarding envc 1110 or 1120
ENVC 1120 Peer Advisement [OPEN] 11:00-2:00PM V217
Hello, ENVC 1120 tutoring for Tuesday is now open at voorhees v217
ENVC 1110 Peer Advisement [CLOSED] 1:00-4:00PM V217
Email me at for any questions regarding ENVC 1110/1120 or anything from the major.
ENVC Peer Advisement [OPEN] 1:00-4:00PM V217
ENVC 1110 or 1120 tutoring session is now OPEN at Voorhees 217 I will be at the left side of the computer lab.
ENVC Peer Advisement [CLOSED] 11:00-2:00PM
Email me at GRANT.YI@MAIL.CITYTECH.CUNY.EDU first any questions regarding envc 1120.
ENVC Peer Advisement [OPEN] 11:00AM-2:00PM at V217
ENVC 1120 tutoring session is now open. Any help needed with principles of refrigeration or questions about the major are also welcomed.