Mismanagement of Funds

Nycha has had a history of mismanaging their funding. From pointless spending to their employees using the money their given for important programs and repairs for weekend vacations. Many of the apartments that NYCHA rents are in need of desperate repair. Many have had to deal with no heating for years, broken windows, and lead paint coming off the walls. What’s worse is the residents aren’t allowed to repair their own apartment.

Instead of addressing these problems, they waste their money on pointless things. An example of such is how 8 NYCHA apartment building on staten island needed their roofs repaired, a job that cost NYCHA $4 million to do. Yet it wasn’t necessary since they were all still under warranty for the next 10 years and be repaired for free. That money could have been used to fix many of the issues NYCHA residents have had to deal with for years.

IMAGE COURTESY OF tvtropes.org


Another problem with there funding is that their employees aren’t using the money that their given for whats its meant for. Prime example of such is how one employee decided on going on vacation using the money from NYCHA. According to an article from the New York Post, “ The president of the city’s Drew-Hamilton housing project in Harlem treated herself and 24 other tenants to a getaway at a ritzy Poconos resort last weekend – costing taxpayers at least $15,000,”. So instead of using that money to support child care, violence prevention, and job training programs, this one employee wasted it on a good time.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many other stories of how NYCHA has used their funding for unnecessary expense.