Johnny-boy and Stevie were always seen as the neighborhood geeks, the kids that were always bullied and pushed around. While most of the boys from their school were in sports clubs or telling stories about the girls they had gotten with or had planned to get with, Johnny-boy and Stevie were absolutely obsessed with the idea of extraterrestrial life forms, or in regular peoples tongue, aliens. Every day, after school Johnny-boy and Stevie, would rush to Stevie’s house and go to the garage, which at the time was their hideout, Since Stevies mom’s car didn’t run anyways so she never really used the garage. In that garage was a treasure trove of anything remotely alien-related. Posters of aliens and old alien horror movies filled the walls, lego star wars ships and model spaceships filled the shelves if anyone was a true fanatic it was these two boys. They would sit in their “Jabba the Hutt” bean bag chairs and talk about alien sitings and conspiracy theories until nightfall. One night, as the boys were ranting on whether Area 51 had aliens or not they heard a large whistle through the neighborhood followed by a loud crash. Despite the magnitude of the sound the car alarms and neighborhood dogs didn’t seem to react and in general, the neighborhood was actually quieter the before. It was as if Johnny-boy and Stevie were the only two people that had heard it. Hell-bent on finding aliens, the boys rushed over to the field to see what had caused the noise, purple smoke was rising from where the crash happened as if the cosmos were leaking from the crash. As the boys peered over the crash they saw a large black cube that seemed unscathed from the crash inscription of a language they never had seen before was written all over the cube. Fearlessly and high on the thoughts of seeing aliens, Johnny-boy reached out to touch the cube. As his finger touched the cube a large flash of light engulfed the boys as if they had triggered something. Suddenly Johnny-boy awoken, passed out in the garage in the bed of his mother’s truck shocked by what he just witnessed. Was it a dream he thought? But as he peered down at his body he saw the inscriptions that were on the cubed etched all over his body, as he frantically jumped out of the truck’s back he saw Stevie passed out, with the same symbols all over his body as well.