Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Yasmine Blair, POV Story for Picture A

Skylar has never felt like she belonged. She was always an outcast. It has only ever been her and her best friend AX who happens to be a robotic dog. Skylar has a hard time connecting with be but when it comes to machines she’s and absolute genius. Everyday on her way home from work Skylar would take detours and pick up any scraps of metals or broken electronics she could find. Once she collected as much as she could carry she would bring them home and try to create something new. One day as she was walking home from work in her stripped pants, bright sweatshirt and favorite boots, she decided to take a detour as usual. In this particular spring evening something in the air felt different. Skylar had the strangest feeling but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. As she walked down the dusty path kicking pebbles, she stumbled on something she had never seen before. She found a strange metal box that appeared ancient like it hadn’t been touched in years. It was quite odd because Skylar had walked that path many times yet she had never seen this strange box. As intrigued as she was she picked up the box and took it home with her. When she got home AX was waiting for her as usual. She took the box out to the backyard and examined it. Skylar was certain something great value must be inside. She tried to decipher how to open it but she couldn’t figure it out. She decided to get some of her tools to try and get it open. As she fussed with the box AX sat nearby watching with curiosity. 


  1. NadreaPT

    What I enjoyed about this mini story is how descriptive it was. Also, I liked how she found a box on her detour that she usually takes. Two questions I have for the author is, who is AX? and did she ever get the box open?

    • NadreaPT

      I read the beginning again, I know who AX is. lol so I have one question

    • NadreaPT

      I read the beginning again, I know who AX is. lol so I have one question

  2. sumayah

    omg AX reminds of a movie that was made , it called the AXL the dog was a robot !

  3. Zlancaster

    Great story Yasmine, I really enjoyed the descriptiveness and relative normalcy of Skylar. Even without the image, it was really easy to imagine the character thanks to your superb use of adjectives. From the characters themselves to Skylar’s expression when she was in her element, everything was greatly detailed.

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