Strong, determinate, intelligent, those were the words that described her. Her name was Raven, she was determined to become one of the greatest robotic innovators out there. Everyone would laugh at her whenever they’d see her dress in gray space ship goggles, no one ever believed in her. Raven would whisper slowly to herself every single day saying “I can do it! I can do it! I will strive and succeed!” This would help her from not going insane, it helped her to keep on pushing, there’s a saying “keep on swimming until you get there” and that’s what Raven was trying to do. It was June and Raven hasn’t paid the rent yet, she had no money, she looked in her piggy bank she sighs ” how will I ever get through this?” she looks up at the ceiling hoping for a miracle to happen. Raven laughs sarcastically ” well at least I have four dimes, six nickels, and fifteen pennies?”

BOOM BOOM BOOM! Someone banging at her door aggressively, it was her landlord. ” I need my damn money back you robotic creep!!” Raven zones out for three seconds, her brain freezes, her hands shake. She wonders if this was one of her night’s sleepwalking again, but it was real, everything was real, a true nightmare into reality. Raven does not know whether she should open her door to her insane landlord, Raven yells out “give me more time man” hoping for her landlord to willingly give her more time before he evicts her. The landlord shouts through her broken-down door “ your time is up miss robot”, Raven glares down at her fire blaster gloves that she invented when she was nine years old. She thinks to herself “ should I just end it all? It will make everyone’s life much easier, everyone hates me and I’m broke!”. (cliff hanger)