I remember my first day of school. Before, when I wasn’t going to school, I was very shy and annoyed when someone asked me if I was going to school. I guess it was a bit embarrassing to say that I’m not going to school yet. So I always wanted to go to school not really because I was rushing to learn, but just because I wanted to do the same as my cousins, get dressed, pack the book bag, eat breakfast, spend some time in front of the mirror, and get accompanied by a parent to “School”. That’s all I thought going to school was about, and I wanted the same routine. I wanted to meet new people and make new friends, so I couldn’t wait for my first day of school. I remember one of my cousins telling me scary stories about going to school, he told me that all students had to be vaccinated on the first day of school. I was really terrified of getting vaccinated. One of the vaccinations I received in the past gave me nightmares afterwards. I would ask my parents multiples times if it’s true and they would say no, but I had the worse cousin.

When I was six years old, my parents told me that it was time for me to go to school, many kids in the neighborhood went to school at seven year old, but I was like “huh, lucky me!, time to shine!”. My mother was the best at getting me the things I like, I wasn’t spoiled, but my mother really cared. Sometimes I wanted things that I didn’t really need and my dad was like “stop asking for everything you see, we cannot afford everything especially when you don’t have no use for it”, even with toys that there is always something to do with like play??? My mom would still get me some of those things. She got me a very nice book bag, it was blue with red strips. the school was not too far from where we lived, so me and my mom walked there. I was was very exited like most of the other students I met there. Two kids from my neighborhood also showed up with their parents so I had someone to talk to when my mom had a long conversation with other parents she knew. I was a great day and I enjoyed my first day of school, especially that I was relieved to know that they were not gonna do any vaccination.