Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Christina Cantone, Jones Critique

The story had a lot of detail and depth. It is told from the point of view of a young girl who is starting school for the first time. The events begin on a september morning when her and her mother are  making their way to get her enrolled in school. She accounts all the streets they walked down and what places they went to before they got to the right school.  

I think the most significant part was when the mother was saying goodbye to her child for the first time, it was a very emotional moment in the story . Most of us have experienced the first day of school, whether it be kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, or even college. All days of firsts have given rise to new experiences. It has been days full of intrigue, anticipation, and curiosity. These are all our first days, and they hold a different significant value to each person. 

One question I would have would be “was it hard to write from the point of view of a different gender ?”


  1. Yves

    The story also reminds me of my first day of school. It brings back very good and memories. I remember myself being extremely nervous, because my cousin told me that all the new students were gonna get vaccinated on the first day. A very bad joke that almost ruined my first day of school.

  2. Aaron Moore

    I agree with your analysis of the First Day of School aspect of the story. The story truly does capture that very well, all the confusion, anxiety, and anticipation. Furthermore, the description of the mother’s demeanor and her not playing the game properly implies something deeper and more concerning about the narrator’s first day of school.

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