When we were was told that we would be writing journals, I wasn’t too sure what to think. So far the experience has been great, besides a few cases of writer’s block along the way I feel as if my writing is at the very least up to par.

 In addition to the few cases of writer’s block, another challenge I have faced when writing journals is answering the question. The first journal prompt did not apply to me so to answer, I explained my interpretation of the prompt plus my related life experience not letting it apply to me. For the second prompt, while not as challenging as the first, there were two separate interpretations of “feeling anonymous”. One was feeling like the character in the story “Whatever happened to ___” by Anonymous and the other was feeling unrepresented or unknown in a setting where you believe you should, even by choice. This was challenging not because it did not apply to me but, it felt vague and even harder to answer based on your interpretation of the prompt. I chose the second interpretation and wrote about a long-time acquaintance not knowing my name and my feelings behind it or the lack of them. For me, it was just about understanding the question and answering the question and my interpretation.

In conclusion, besides a few bumps along the road the journal writing experience has felt great in execution but so-so in approach.