A friendship that has been significant to me was my friendship with my friend Fatimah. Me and Fatimah attended the same high school. We met during my 10th grade year of high school at the pool. We both were on the swimming team in our high school, she started her 9th grade year and I started in my 10th grade year. She’s important to me because when we first met, we instantly clicked with each other. She was my teammate that became one of my closest friends. I was not only able to talk her about swimming but I was able to trust her with my personal issues as well. It’s really rare to find people you can trust in high school. Even though, she was in a higher grade level than me, we were still able to connect to each other. She’s like a big sister to me. When she graduated in 2019, I was sad because I was like “who I am going too talk to now?” but I always seen her graduation portrait in the hallway, so it was like she was never far. We don’t talk as much as we used too but she’s one solid individual that I can call a friend/ big sister.