Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

“Truth & Beauty” by Ann Patchett Chapter 1

When reading chapter 1 of “Truth and Beauty” by Ann Patchett I enjoyed
the relationship development between our characters and the use of imagery for world-building. In the beginning, Ann explains that she knew of Lucy before Lucy knew of her due to Lucy’s “fame”. She then details various interactions between them of lucy warming up, always attempting to strike up a conversation but seemingly failing. I enjoyed the initial contrast compared to later in the story as they become friends, learn about love, and Lucy begins to express herself to Ann.
My enjoyment of the imagery mainly stemmed from the introduction. The very first line reminded me of the famous “death and taxes” line, instead, Ann talks about the heat in August and lack-of air conditioning in the U-Haul. She uses that to subvert the reader’s (or at least my) expectation and the comparison between those issues was comical.
My question for Ms.Patchett would be about Heather, did she survive the accident and her surgery? If so, how is she doing now?

1 Comment

  1. Aaron Moore

    I agree with your sentiment on the world-building. The chapter starts out as a slow burn of sorts, but eventually it goes to a place that allows one to quickly realize where everything beforehand was leading up to and provides a clear course for everything afterwards, a realization that I personally greatly appreciated.

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