Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Meet My Bag

When you see me, ill most likely be wearing a bag. Specifically, this is a bag I’ve been using for years but still love. Its comfortable and breathable and is actually great at keeping me standing up straight. If you were to see it right now, you would notice a couple of scuff marks, but that’s all. Its in fairly new condition and I plan to keep it like this for many more years.

After graduating junior high my parents told me I could pick out any bag I wanted for high school, so like many other students I scoured the internet for the best backpack they offer. I spent hours and hours scouring the internet for a bag that will define my high school career. I had a long list of bags but the most practical one was The North Face router transit backpack. Little did I know it would be the best thing I ever bought. It had the most space and offered the most comfort then the other ones I was looking at. Thankfully I made the right choice. I waited for days but my bag never arrived. UPS was delayed and I was getting impatient. Every day at 4pm id sit by my windowsill just waiting for the package to arrive. Until one day, it did, or so I thought it did. Turns out it was my sisters schoolbag. By the time the bag came, it felt like an eternity had passed, but I was more excited than ever.

Till this day I use this bag for everything, whether its for camping trips, school and the jet ski trips I take during the summer. I love this bag and cannot be more appreciative of my parents for buying it for me.

1 Comment

  1. Eamon Bolger

    I can relate to this so much! I also have a bag that I just can’t part with because of how awesome it is and I can use it for everything. Even though I ended up getting a newer bag for college, I still use that bag for when I go on vacation or out to the city. I commend you for striving to use something you love simply because you love it. Sometimes you don’t need a reason to have something other than because it is your favorite.

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