Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Yasmine Blair, Poems

( Not Enough Time in the Day) 

    She stares at the clock.

     Hoping for more time.

     She tries to find the strength to get up.

     Hoping for more time.

     The alarm clock goes off for the second time,       

     she rolls over.

     Hoping for more time. 

     Eventually she mustered up the strength but    

     doesn’t want to get ready. 

     Hoping for more time. 

     The sun starts to shine through brighter than   

      ever yet she’s still.

      Hoping for more time. 

      Time is running out she has to hurry. 

      Hoping for more time.

      The day still has to go on yet she still hold on 

      to hope.

      Hoping for more time. 

(Happier Times) 

The sky is clear, a bright and vibrant blue. The sun is stronger than ever the rays beaming down with just the right amount of warmth. The air smells fresh with a hint of freshly cut grass. The birds sing a melodic tune. The world is still all you can hear is the wind rushing pass the trees. The wind whips around free petals from the sweet smelling flowers making them dance. The children run and try to catch them. Everything is calm and serene. The world is at ease. 


It feels as though time has stopped. There’s nothing but silence. She doesn’t even know what living is anymore. Does anyone or anything really exist. Her mind won’t let her sleep. All she does is constantly think it is non stop like a motor constantly running. The only thing she can hear is her thoughts and nothing more. She tries to concentrate but her thoughts are deafening. If only she could stop her mind from running circles around her but if only it was that simple. 

 (Self Love) 

 When you look in the mirror love what you see.
Love that person who stares back at you let things be.

This is who you’re with for the rest of your days. 

Know that the person you look at is perfect in so many ways.

Despite the flaws you may find. 

Just know that you have to love yourself first and try to unwind . 

It is that self love that will allow you to accept yourself and for you to let others in. 

All it takes is words of positivity for you to begin. 


  1. sumayah

    I love how all of your poems have the same mood and tone; calm, happy.

  2. sumayah

    I love how all of your poems have the same mood and tone; calm, happy

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