On the Isle of Serenity the people were fairly happy and some what free. Most people were care free living their lives as normal not thinking of tomorrow. One girl in particular named Skylar was going about things as normal. On a bright and sunny afternoon Skylar decided to take her usual morning run around the island to make sure things were in order just as they’ve always been. After all order is what kept Skylar at peace. As she started off down her usual path, saying hello to everyone she passed on her way, she suddenly heard screeching in the distance. She sped up to find a bunch of people down by the shore staring out at the distance. When she reached down to where everyone was standing and shoved through the crowd she saw a dark thick green haze headed there way. Before long the haze became close within reach and had covered the sun. People started to panic and began to run to there homes. Skylar ran home as well, when she got into the door she found her family gathered around watching the television with intensity. “Something is wrong with the sky, there’s some sort of haze and it even blocked out the sun” she said with a tremble in her voice. “Skylar where have you been, something terrible is happening. We’ve been sitting here waiting for the mayor to speak on the matter.” Skylar and her family sat and waited. Before long breaking news appeared and the Mayor was about to speak. 

“ Ladies and Gentlemen of the Isle of Serenity, do not panic. There’s nothing to be worried about, the haze you see is just some sort of tropical storm we have never heard of. It should pass momentarily. Just go on as usual and by tomorrow it should be gone.” Skylar listened to the Mayor with uncertainty, she never trusted much of what he said with his strange wheezy voice. That night Skylar tossed and turned with hopes that in the morning this would be back to normal, but that haze they saw was only the beginning. 

The next morning the haze had still remained in the sky, however the mayor instructed people to go on as normal. Skylar went out for a run just to see what was happening on the island. Before she could get a mile out all of a sudden people started to collapse one after the other, their bodies hit the floor with force. Panic broke out once again among the people of the Isle. Not only were people collapsing but they were dying. Most of people that collapsed ended up in the hospital and did not return home. The fears of the island people went rampant they did not know what this strange plague was. People started to gather supplies causing shortages. 

Soon the mayor was forced to announce that people should stay in there homes, no one could go to school or work except for the few volunteers for essential work. As time passed the island seemed to shrink they could no longer find places to put the bodies. They started to put bodies in crates and sent them afloat. It was that very moment Skylar was afraid there was no coming back that the Isle would never be the same again.