Mountains of flutes for so little virtue
They have everything, from the least to the extravagance

They can get the cake and eat it…
They are in control, they even control nature
Fortunately, among them, there are fighters
Who fight for unity and progress regardless of
Dark beliefs. We will soon see the sun on the horizon
And a shinning world full of virtue and life.

Everything is dust
We fall in love too fast
Not only towards humans but also
Things. A simple beautiful evening of wine and we
Are in love with wine
A nice advertisement on TV and we are hypnotized
But when the sun rises, we realize that
It’s all fiction and deception. Everything is dust …

The differences that separate us
When everything seems to be going well, something happens
In society and a lot of hope is lost. We don’t come from the same place
Everyone should expect some sort differences or
Variations in culture and that shouldn’t separate us so much
Especially when we belong to the same species,
The humankind. Maybe the nature will change us someday
But for now, nothing is going right.

A little positivity
There is nothing more beautiful than nature
Waterfall, mountain and plants
Covering the earth, devoid of fear.
Nature knows that no matter what the sun
Will rise, shine, rain will fall, thunderstorms will rumble
But the next day the sun will rise again and shine.
Nature has fewer worries than Humankind,
Maybe humankind is nature’s concern,
But nothing will slow down its course,

Not even attempts to blur out the sun.