Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Eamon Bolger, Favorite Poem


  1. Aaron Moore

    Both these poems are incredibly fascinating. “Still Life…” being a pleasant depiction of an easygoing summer day spent by a child and their father, and between the setting and the premise, reminds me of my own summers days spent with my father when I was younger. IT does invoke that nostalgic feeling in myself, and I enjoyed it.

    “Bruce Banner #3” is interesting to me, for the way it comes across as just various thoughts, placed together in an abstract fashion, in a very stream-of-consciousness-esque manner. That too I also enjoy, just throwing thoughts on to a page with no rhyme or reason, just to do it, only maybe following some internal logic of the writer. I like that because I myself have lots of random thoughts I would like to share, or at least record before I forget them as they were if not forget them completely. Furthermore, it’s such an honest style that as result, gives the reader a glimpse into the mind of the writer.

  2. Christina C.

    I enjoyed both poems, they were very different but also had many similarities to them. They were different in the sense of the specific details they talked about. They were the same by offering a life view of the narrator’s inner thoughts.

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