Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Ariel Itshaik, Le Guin Critique

Le Guin’s work is very unique as she writes from the wife’s perspective and slowly unfolding her story. Throughout her story, the reader is always left in suspense which gives a sense of excitement while also captivating us. One thing I found interesting throughout the story is the way the writer is able to convince us to believe the character is a human. There are subtle cues toward the end of the story describing the character’s hair, toes, and feet. The author reveals toward the end of the story that this character isn’t an actual person but a werewolf. She also makes it seem as if the wolf form is the characters, true form and the human is the monster. Overall, the author is very good at convincing her audience into believing what she is writing, and I find it fascinating.


  1. Zlancaster

    When reading Le Guin’s work I also felt a suspenseful feeling as the story unfolded so I agree with your analysis. The suspense of not knowing what would happen to the family each time the husband returned from his midnight ventures. Though nonresponsive to his family’s fear of him, it seemed as if the husband was holing it all in just waiting to act out. This added to the suspense even more proving you r point that author is very good at using subtle cues to drive the story.

  2. Zhen Deng

    I agree with Ariel on “There are subtle cues toward the end of the story describing the character’s hair, toes, and feet ”, because I also like reading stories that have clues that lead us towards the ending. This can inspire our imagination. When the ending turn out to be matched with our guesses, we are happy, when it’s not, we would be surprised, both are good.

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