When growing up, I was incompatible with the others. I grew up participating in interstate speech competitions with 13 other schools, I have hosted assemblies in elementary, including the 100th day of school. I enjoyed speaking in front of a crowd, but of course, that took time within, especially that I struggled to talk at a certain age. Meaning I had late speech skills which I found ironic in my situation. I remember my mom deciding to put me in second grade for the second time just because I could speak, no one understood me whenever I tried speaking as a kid. They would ask my mom “what language is your daughter trying to speak” and they would just laugh at me. But i excelled in time.

It was senior year and we all had to choose a career for college, I wanted to become a lawyer. The reason why I even choose this in the first place because I loved speaking in front of the crowd, I wanted to change the world and pass laws to help the people in need. But unfortunately, my parents did not approve, they think it’s respectable for women to become a lawyer, just because I was a female? My dad is not wanting to be involved in politics, he claims he wanted to “protect me from the dark world” but in reality, I was anyways going to face the “dark world” with or without him. This is how we all learn. There was another reason as to why they did not approve, and it involved very religious reasons which I respect. But of course, I was very heartbroken and shattered because this is was my dream. So then I choose nursing even though my dad still does not approve because he sees nurses as servants, in overseas in the middle east nurses do the “dirty job” of the doctor, they are seen as low lives, you are not respected if you’re a nurse in the middle east. But here in America, it’s a different story! nurses are respected, they are the real heroes in the united states. Being a nurse in America is a big deal, and I hope one day my dad can see that. Until this day I’m trying to convince my father to let me do nursing, and hopefully one day I will, with God’s help.